Tuesday, April 28, 2009
TESCO outing :))
went to accompany imah to JPJ today..
she rang me early in the morning seeking for help to bring her to JPJ..i got up quickly n took a shower n got all ready just in half an hour..
then,after all settled,we went to school to pick up all the sijil2 and everything n decided to have our BRUNCH in tesco..
and here we go,i guess i cant go to the mall with imah as we got excited when we see all those garments..we even splurge our money on unnecessary thing like a PJs n 'seliper jepun'..haha..saiko en imah kan?thank god it was just TESCO,so tak byk laa sgt duit terbang..tak byk pon,penuh raga laa jugak kta borong kan imah kan?so,aku pokai laa buat sementara waktu..haha
lpas ni,aku tamo kuaq ngn ang dah imah even p GIANT or TESCO pon..haha..ang mmg merangsang aku menghabiskan duit on unnecessary things.hahaha....bukannya menghalang..jin shopaholic aku menjelma bila aku p shopping ngan ang..hailoh..
she rang me early in the morning seeking for help to bring her to JPJ..i got up quickly n took a shower n got all ready just in half an hour..
then,after all settled,we went to school to pick up all the sijil2 and everything n decided to have our BRUNCH in tesco..
and here we go,i guess i cant go to the mall with imah as we got excited when we see all those garments..we even splurge our money on unnecessary thing like a PJs n 'seliper jepun'..haha..saiko en imah kan?thank god it was just TESCO,so tak byk laa sgt duit terbang..tak byk pon,penuh raga laa jugak kta borong kan imah kan?so,aku pokai laa buat sementara waktu..haha
lpas ni,aku tamo kuaq ngn ang dah imah even p GIANT or TESCO pon..haha..ang mmg merangsang aku menghabiskan duit on unnecessary things.hahaha....bukannya menghalang..jin shopaholic aku menjelma bila aku p shopping ngan ang..hailoh..
Saturday, April 25, 2009
bubbye ARIL

what a surprise huh??ARIL is out of AF..huu..kinda giggle me actually as that 'mamat kerek' is out of that reality show..i thought he has a mountain of fans..yea,maybe he did,but not all of them were willing to sacrifice their money just to vote him to make sure he stays..his performance tonight was quite okay..eligible to be praised..but i dont really like his attitude..he always act as if he knows everything..overall,hes just a one fine contestant..
Sunday, April 12, 2009
blame ISMA n ZUL for singing such a romantic song together..
quite improper actually,but still they look sweet together though..
quite improper actually,but still they look sweet together though..
Friday, April 10, 2009
TAGGED by oh nuss!
1. Apakah benda yang paling penting dalam hidup kamu?
since it is BENDA,so i'll go for laptop,ipod n handphone..
2. Apakah benda akhir yang kamu beli dengan duit sendiri?
makanan..haha..im so into food ogeyh!
3.Di manakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu?
probably in france under the glims of eiffel tower lights at night..hahaha..(gila daydreamer!)
4. Berapa lama hubungan kamu berkekalan?
i hope it wud be forever n neverending..
5. Adakah anda sedang di lamun cinta?
no am not..
6. Di mana restoran akhir kamu makan malam?
7. Namakan buku terakhir yang kamu beli?
ROOFTOP RANT by hlovate
8. Nama penuh anda?
Siti Nabilah binti Sharipudin (nama ic neh..nah kau!)
9.. Kamu lebih senang dengan ayah atau emak?
frankly,dgn mak..
10. Namakan seorang yang kamu ingin jumpa dalam hidup kamu?
Datuk Dr.Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor ;D (dream on!)
11. Sebutkan nama 8 sahabat yang rapat dengan kamu?
1.fiq 2.nawal 3.putri 4.shinat 5.imah 6.hikmah 7.azie 8.atiqah ;D
12. Adakah kamu mencuci pakaian sendiri?
tak jugak..mesin ade,buli laa...haha
13. Tempat yang paling seronok yang kamu ingin pergi?
south africa, great britain and spain n whole europe if possible (again..dream on!!)
14. Butirkan 5 perkara tentang orang yang tag kamu.
baik,cantik,tinggi..stakat tu je yg knal..yg len2 tak kenai lg..tunggu ek..haha
15. 8 perkara yang saya gilai.
1.watches(used to be) 2.SLR 3.sceneries 4.shoes n sneakers 5.gadjets 6.photography 7.food 8.driving..haha
16. Pelukan atau ciuman?
hugs are comfy n always the biggest comfort ;D
17. 8 buah buku yang paling baru di baca?
1.rooftop rant 2.aA+bB(ulang) 3.tunas(ulang) 4.andai itu takdirnya(ulang) 5.forward 6.rahsia asmaulhusna 7.gurindam jiwa 8.a cup of comfort
18. 8 lagu yang kamu boleh dengar berulang kali?
1.bila rasaku ini rasamu(fuh!jiwang trok) 2.like a star 3.you make it real 4.true 5.rocket 6.always be my baby 7.when u say nothing at all 8.making love out of nothing at all
19. mari main TAG 8 orang lain..
ngee~BERCHENTA nk pkiaq 8 bnda..haha..tnx to Nas by the way ;D
to all yg ditag,tak buat pon tapa..saja gedik2 nk tag..haha
since it is BENDA,so i'll go for laptop,ipod n handphone..
2. Apakah benda akhir yang kamu beli dengan duit sendiri?
makanan..haha..im so into food ogeyh!
3.Di manakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu?
probably in france under the glims of eiffel tower lights at night..hahaha..(gila daydreamer!)
4. Berapa lama hubungan kamu berkekalan?
i hope it wud be forever n neverending..
5. Adakah anda sedang di lamun cinta?
no am not..
6. Di mana restoran akhir kamu makan malam?
7. Namakan buku terakhir yang kamu beli?
ROOFTOP RANT by hlovate
8. Nama penuh anda?
Siti Nabilah binti Sharipudin (nama ic neh..nah kau!)
9.. Kamu lebih senang dengan ayah atau emak?
frankly,dgn mak..
10. Namakan seorang yang kamu ingin jumpa dalam hidup kamu?
Datuk Dr.Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor ;D (dream on!)
11. Sebutkan nama 8 sahabat yang rapat dengan kamu?
1.fiq 2.nawal 3.putri 4.shinat 5.imah 6.hikmah 7.azie 8.atiqah ;D
12. Adakah kamu mencuci pakaian sendiri?
tak jugak..mesin ade,buli laa...haha
13. Tempat yang paling seronok yang kamu ingin pergi?
south africa, great britain and spain n whole europe if possible (again..dream on!!)
14. Butirkan 5 perkara tentang orang yang tag kamu.
baik,cantik,tinggi..stakat tu je yg knal..yg len2 tak kenai lg..tunggu ek..haha
15. 8 perkara yang saya gilai.
1.watches(used to be) 2.SLR 3.sceneries 4.shoes n sneakers 5.gadjets 6.photography 7.food 8.driving..haha
16. Pelukan atau ciuman?
hugs are comfy n always the biggest comfort ;D
17. 8 buah buku yang paling baru di baca?
1.rooftop rant 2.aA+bB(ulang) 3.tunas(ulang) 4.andai itu takdirnya(ulang) 5.forward 6.rahsia asmaulhusna 7.gurindam jiwa 8.a cup of comfort
18. 8 lagu yang kamu boleh dengar berulang kali?
1.bila rasaku ini rasamu(fuh!jiwang trok) 2.like a star 3.you make it real 4.true 5.rocket 6.always be my baby 7.when u say nothing at all 8.making love out of nothing at all
19. mari main TAG 8 orang lain..
ngee~BERCHENTA nk pkiaq 8 bnda..haha..tnx to Nas by the way ;D
to all yg ditag,tak buat pon tapa..saja gedik2 nk tag..haha
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
spoilt brat
I hate MY SUPER SWEET 16 tv show.
but somehow,i still watch it..
they are all spoilt brats.they are much-loved children.overindulged with everything they want.
can u imagine a 16 year old girl gets a PORSCHE CAYENNE on her 16th birthday??
gila laa tu..mmg cri jln nk melingkupkan bdk tu laa..bkn nk membentuk jd elok..
they are children who believe they are entitled to the same rights as adults but they are not ready to accept grown-up responsibilities..
they just know how to find ways to get whatever they want by begging their parents..
in the end,they will never know how to stand on their on feet independently..
but somehow,i still watch it..
they are all spoilt brats.they are much-loved children.overindulged with everything they want.
can u imagine a 16 year old girl gets a PORSCHE CAYENNE on her 16th birthday??
gila laa tu..mmg cri jln nk melingkupkan bdk tu laa..bkn nk membentuk jd elok..
they are children who believe they are entitled to the same rights as adults but they are not ready to accept grown-up responsibilities..
they just know how to find ways to get whatever they want by begging their parents..
in the end,they will never know how to stand on their on feet independently..
Sunday, April 5, 2009
confessions of a shopaholic

oh i just love the CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC!its nice..real nice..comfy movie..haha..n im in love with the character of LUKE BRANDON casted by HUGH DANCY.OMG!hes drop-dead-gorgeous!!seriusly hes a one good looking creature.n he speaks british english!!OMG!i just love the accent.
oh by the way,i found out that NICK CORNISH is another one good looking creature.hes handsome.once again,drop-dead-gorgeous!!
u should watch this movie.its fun!worth ur money for paying the tickets.
went to the mall this afternoon with my mates..
azie,imah n yati..we shud've gone to the edufair at the stadium actually,n yeah we did.but just for half an hour n we got bored of all those lame and the same explaination being repeated again n again..so,we were off to the mall..
at first we wanted to catch a movie,but then,i have sumthing to do at 5,so we didnt have much time to catch up a movie and such..
we went window shopping and had our lunch at kfc.we were lucky coz there was a ONE IN A MILLION roadshow and the top 6 plus that little petite RIZU was also presented..
i'm not so fancy of ONE IN A MILLION actually but then,my friends wanted to take pictures with the artists and bla bla bla..
then i was so amazed by the cuteness of RIZU..OMG!hes so cute.seriusly hes cute!hes a man with small body but big voice.i started to like him now..haha

nine,kegilaan azie n yati..

azie,imah n yati..we shud've gone to the edufair at the stadium actually,n yeah we did.but just for half an hour n we got bored of all those lame and the same explaination being repeated again n again..so,we were off to the mall..
at first we wanted to catch a movie,but then,i have sumthing to do at 5,so we didnt have much time to catch up a movie and such..
we went window shopping and had our lunch at kfc.we were lucky coz there was a ONE IN A MILLION roadshow and the top 6 plus that little petite RIZU was also presented..
i'm not so fancy of ONE IN A MILLION actually but then,my friends wanted to take pictures with the artists and bla bla bla..
then i was so amazed by the cuteness of RIZU..OMG!hes so cute.seriusly hes cute!hes a man with small body but big voice.i started to like him now..haha
so,here are some pictures that we took today.enjoys!

Friday, April 3, 2009
the accent
i found out that i love to watch BRITAIN'S NEXT TOP MODEL just because of their accent.
the models are crap.they just know how to quarrel without any initiative to push themselves further in modeling.
i don't know why but i love the British accent since EMMA came here and we had a sleepover and we talked like theres no full stop.
the models are crap.they just know how to quarrel without any initiative to push themselves further in modeling.
i don't know why but i love the British accent since EMMA came here and we had a sleepover and we talked like theres no full stop.
is there any language class that offer to teach me to speak english with british accent?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
TAGGED by oh nuss! n nali :D
1.Apakah hubungan awak dan dia?
nali:kawan.ex-jorakasturi mate..hahanas:rakan blogger yg tapenah jmpk..hee..nnt kita jumpak ye ;D
2.5 impressions terhadap dia?
nali:ok laa mamat ne
nas:tapenah tgk live dong..tp time 1st time tgk gmbq dia kt fs,cantik laa minah ne.maneh muka dia.
3.Perkara paling memorable yang dilakukan kat awak?
nali:bg link borang online politeknik..haha.tnx nali ;p
nas:apa ya?tapenah chat lg neh ngn dia..
4.perkara paling memorable yang dia kata pada awak?
nali:apa wey nali?ang kta pa ar kt aku?
nas:tapenah ckp lg dow ngn dia..hahah
5. Kalau dia kekasih awak.. awak akan...?
nali:hahahaaa..sy akan sengeh ja kot.hahahaaa
nas:oh tak mungkin!sy stret
6. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak.. awak akan..?
nali:takyah ckp laa ngn dia..biaq kt dia
nas:musuh?tak baek musuh2 neh..haha
7. Kalau dia kekasih awak.. dia perlu improve dlm
nali:toksah duk wat lwk sgt naa..
nas:hee..tatau laa ;D
8. Kalau dia musuh awak.. mungkin kerana
depa jeles kt aku kot..kahkahkah
9. overall impression ttg dia
nali:mamat neh baek ne..tak ksah je..
nas:ok laa nas ni even we never had a chat..hah
0.The most desirable thing to do to her /him
nali:i'd like to treat him a lunch..hahahaa..sbb dia baek
nas:i think we shall meet one fine day..haha
11. Apakah awak rasa tentang pandangan org terhadap awk?
oh my dear.we cant change people's thought..say what u wanna say about me..i dont give a damn.
12. the character of you for yourself?
me?saya suka bebai.
13. On contrary, the character you hate about you
i'd be glad if i can change my 'bebai'-ness attitide.haha
14. The most ideal person you want to be with?
i wanna be with MARIO LOPEZ if possible..minus his age by 15 years.n it wud be perfectly perfect..hahah
15. For people who like you, tell sumthing about them.
tell something about them?be real..howcome i'd know who likes me?
16. Ten people you tag:
4.ahmad nazri
17. no 2 ade hubungan dgn sape?
hee..sape ada ms dia sure tau pnya.
18. is no 3 male or female?
female for sure.
19. if no 5 and no 7 ade relationship?is that a good thing?
its not wrong to have many friends..
20.Macam mane dgn no5 dan no 8 pula?
i think they know each other
21. no 4 single kah?
hoho..i dunno much about this guy..hes just a blogger friend of mine.
22. no 1 belajar apa?
shes off school ;D
23. say sumtin about no 6
hatin baek..muka dia maneh.n shes so soft-spoken..one nice junior of mine.
24. no 9 kelakar tak?
nqb ar?hes kinda lawak..lawak laa jugak kdg2 tu..
*cpt2 laa sapa yg kene tagged tuh..naqib!better ko buat!
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