Monday, August 31, 2009
the outing ;D
went out with long-time-no-see friends last saturday..and it was quite a blast..even we just spent our time bowling together..hee..i miss them..and my other friends..thank god we managed to meet up eventhough there were some circumstances before the meeting..hee..thanks to imah for being such a good listener about my problems..and thanks too for listening to my blabbering and such..i know im such a jerk for not being thankful of what i've been going through,what i am going through and what i will be going through..and now i officially miss highschool so much..i miss the memories we shared during that is soo true when people said abcencies make the heart grow fonder.

Saturday, August 29, 2009
mulakan harimu dgn semangat baru!
yesterday was disaster..again..bangun pkol 7.15 sedangkan klas starts at 8..mmg la ada 45 minit lg but nk jln g klas ja dh mkn msa stengah jam..gilalah..mcm ribut aku terjun katil p bilik ayaq belah habeh smua yg ada di situ..ampun!dh tak nmpk apa dh time tu..habeh tebabas sgala benda yg wajib..ayam yg aku lemah ne kalo mai cuaca sejuk2 ne..asek nk tarek slimut tutup 1 bdn je..kuak lentang tak hbeh2..adoyai!
tutup kes bangun lambat..ondaway nk p klas pulak,sliper aku putus!gilalah..dh laa lmbt dah,sliper pulak putus..tgh2 jalan pulak..dpn boys part3 engine pulak..babeng!aku mcm nk menyumpah jaa kasut tu haa biaq jd katak..xjga tuan betol..dah laa kelas ECM kat blok C sana yg jauhnya lbeh kurang 2 batu lg..(aku agak laa)..jd bejalanlah aku smbil menyeret kaki..mcm sial kan..bulan2 puasa neh mmg laa byk dugaan..
dugaan bkn hbeh takat tu ja,besambong pulak msok kelas koko petang jumaat yg mulia tu..haiyak!dh laa hujan..basah hbeh baju tara nk smpai kelas koko..mcm sial kna diri tgh hujan pulak nyanyi lagu negaraku..adoilaa..apa malang sebaik abg comander tu muka comel,boleh cuci mata..haha..saiko dh aku benda2 malang jd pd hari yg sama..tulah alkisah hari jumaat yg agak malang..
tutup kes bangun lambat..ondaway nk p klas pulak,sliper aku putus!gilalah..dh laa lmbt dah,sliper pulak putus..tgh2 jalan pulak..dpn boys part3 engine pulak..babeng!aku mcm nk menyumpah jaa kasut tu haa biaq jd katak..xjga tuan betol..dah laa kelas ECM kat blok C sana yg jauhnya lbeh kurang 2 batu lg..(aku agak laa)..jd bejalanlah aku smbil menyeret kaki..mcm sial kan..bulan2 puasa neh mmg laa byk dugaan..
dugaan bkn hbeh takat tu ja,besambong pulak msok kelas koko petang jumaat yg mulia tu..haiyak!dh laa hujan..basah hbeh baju tara nk smpai kelas koko..mcm sial kna diri tgh hujan pulak nyanyi lagu negaraku..adoilaa..apa malang sebaik abg comander tu muka comel,boleh cuci mata..haha..saiko dh aku benda2 malang jd pd hari yg sama..tulah alkisah hari jumaat yg agak malang..
*tajuk entry tade kene mengena pon dgn isi entry..haha..layan!
Monday, August 17, 2009
i think i just dont do good in anything but sleep and eat and online..other than that,NONE..
the homesick feeling is fading day by day..but
i think i miss my friends..
feel like putting the days on the treadmill machine and run as fast as i can so that hari raya comes earlier so that i can meet them..
oh hey!i'll be in alor star on this 28th and,FIQ,please miss me..cause i wanna spend a day with u okay..
the homesick feeling is fading day by day..but
i think i miss my friends..
feel like putting the days on the treadmill machine and run as fast as i can so that hari raya comes earlier so that i can meet them..
oh hey!i'll be in alor star on this 28th and,FIQ,please miss me..cause i wanna spend a day with u okay..
Sunday, August 9, 2009
why am i so lazy to get that big fat book and study the facts in it which will surely gonna come out in the test next week?
why am i just entertaining myself with the movies that i've had seen before?
why am i wasting my time reading all those novels that definitely not helping me at all on my studies?
and how on earth do i still have time to on-line as if theres no test coming soon..
i guess thats just me,studying last minute is like a drug of my own brand..haha
wish myself goodluck for the coming physics and calculus test..
double-finger crossed for easy breezy question coming out..
why am i just entertaining myself with the movies that i've had seen before?
why am i wasting my time reading all those novels that definitely not helping me at all on my studies?
and how on earth do i still have time to on-line as if theres no test coming soon..
i guess thats just me,studying last minute is like a drug of my own brand..haha
wish myself goodluck for the coming physics and calculus test..
double-finger crossed for easy breezy question coming out..
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
homesick pulak
a week holiday make me feel even more homesick than the first day i arrived here..
i dont know why,but i just dont feel good leaving home..
dan segala bagai sick dah yg aku takto nk handle cemana..just menyibukkan diri with all the works just to forget about that for a while..FOR A WHILE..and when i get on bed,ready to sleep,i cant sleep..have been an insomniac for 3 nights in a row..and that is soo not good..its hard when u r sleepy,but then ur eyes are just tooo stubborn to close.. bengang tau dak..rsa mcm nk guling2 n balot diri dlm slimut bg buleh lena..
lets hope i can sleep tonight..sleep tight,dont let the bedbug bite..
i dont know why,but i just dont feel good leaving home..
dan segala bagai sick dah yg aku takto nk handle cemana..just menyibukkan diri with all the works just to forget about that for a while..FOR A WHILE..and when i get on bed,ready to sleep,i cant sleep..have been an insomniac for 3 nights in a row..and that is soo not good..its hard when u r sleepy,but then ur eyes are just tooo stubborn to close.. bengang tau dak..rsa mcm nk guling2 n balot diri dlm slimut bg buleh lena..
lets hope i can sleep tonight..sleep tight,dont let the bedbug bite..
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