pergh..tittle post tu tak boleh lagi grand ka??haha..actually,this post is basically about my hopes,my wishes,my doa and my expressions towards parangers,the lifetime friends of mine..though i know some of them will never read this as some of them dont even know that this blog exist,but yeah,im still gonna write this...let this be a memory in 10 years, 20 years to come..so here it is...
hope this will never ends,
even the bond couldnt be bent,
keep it tight as long as we can,
we can make it together we stand,
i will love u to the end!
bahaha..i know it craps..but who cares..
-belajaq elok2 kt upsi tu..cinat,ang jgn tau nk melawa jaa..mengaji prabih dlu..put,toksah dok gatai nk kawen2 neh..aku geget stgi kalo dok gatai sgt nk menikah..mengaji tu pntg..haha
-i know u can survive there..u've been there for a year and hey,ur still alive..heee..i love u to bits..dont forget us here..stadi elok2,jgn mengorat mat salleh pulak..haha
-guys,ur the luckiest to be able to b together smpai masok degree..hah amek kau!kalau dok 1 bilik jugak,mmg bonding cap gam uhu kot..kuat sunggoh dr dlm kelas time skolah dok seblah2..hee..tnx sbb aritu lyn aku msa aku depressed..jd budak bermasalah dgn aku..heh..goodluck dkt UM..jgn dok menggatai cri boifren2 neh..haha
-hang dok elok2 kt ganu tu..toksah dok tensyen2..keja mmg laa byk slagi nmanya keja..mmg tapenah habeh..stadi elok2..nnt aku nk tgk hg balek jd cikgu segak n berwibawa..haha..ayat nk
hat superb ja an..hee..nnt kita wat cuppies lg okeyh..goodluck syg!
-nadie,blajaq elok2 kt uniten tu..sama gak,jgn dok gatai2 ngn boifren..haha..ada tu simpan elok2..haha..sorry laa hritu tak sempat kita nk hu ha hu ha mndi sungai besama..xdak rezeki hg nk hangout ngn km kot aritu..xpa,next time okeyh!goodluck bebeh..wat degree civil cm aku gak..lpaih ne bukak firm sma2 no..haha
-hat ne aku nk nasihat byk sket..ang dok usm tu diam diam sudah..usm pon takpa..penang tu membangun gak..arau pon kalah..haha..mmg laa takleh shoping byk2,tp baguih pa,seb sket duit
ang hat slalu tadak tu..haha..ang pkiaq nk p mengaji laa,bukan nk p berhibur shoping sana sini..nnt cuti sem buleh lg nk p kl ka singapore ka nk bulan pon buleh aku tak kesah..mengaji dulu yg penting..ha 1 lg,ang jgn tesangkot ngn budak nerd button-up sudah..almaklumlah budak bio kan nerd tak habeh..haha..goodluck buddy!
-atai,heee..love to kol u that name..satu2nya kwn aku yg nma dia unik..heee..goodluck bebeh..nnt ang balek aku nk tgk DR. ada kt nametag ang besama kot puteh dan stetoskop di leher..hehe..aku tau ang boleh buat..its ur passion kan..dr dulu d
etermine nk jd doctor..goodluck dkt india nnt!
-lama tak jumpak budak ne..buddy,nnt we have to really meet bfore ang fly to japan..i know u can survive dkt um neh..i know u really can..eyh nnt kalo balek aloq staq,call me ok..aku try balek n teman ang p jmpk ckgu zatul kesayangan ang..hee..i love u!
-ur the last one man!goodluck p uia tu...mengaji lek lok..blajaq arab tu nnt balek ajaq aku lak..haha..tudung ang tu bg labuh2 sket stgi kena saman lak kt sana..haha..toksah dok keja nk kerat tudung jaa..tdg ang hat pendek2 tu suma juai kt aku kaih..aku pkai kt arau
takpaa..haha..blajaq jd lawyer yg beriman sket..hahaha..nnt kalo ada masa n ada duit,aku nk p sana,ang bwk aku p gentiing naa..kita plan elok2 ngn bontot yg lg 2 org tu..haha..goodluck weyh!slamat pkai jubah!haha
there goes all 11 of them..11 person that brighten up my life..
oh hey,almost forgot..theres another one..my shining star..

dear afiqah ahmad,though ur not one of my parangers,but hey,ur my best buddy..best-est ever that i have..ur my crying shoulder..aku slalu nangis kan bila kol hang??..haa..maluuu..but jyeah,u understands me well..n u always made my day..though i know im not the best for u to have as a friend,but ur the best for me..sorry i wasnt there when u called,when u msgd me..but u shud know that ur always near me though ur far away..goodluck in ALBERTA..i know u can survive there..pray for me to be able to get the ticket to visit u..then,VEGAS here we come!hoho..goodluck baby..i love u!