31st August 2010-53 years on independence for our beloved country,MALAYSIA.
As fragile as glass.yes thats what i feel right now.
I thought that i was strong..no,i was wrong..as long as i am a woman,a girl,a lady,theres nothing i couldnt do to stop the tears from falling..today i realised that i gotta work hard for whatever i want..theres just no point of pointing fingers blaming others for what i couldnt reach for..no one can be blamed except me..its me in the first place who didnt take any action to make myself ready for everything..
i have always have issues to fight with my inner self where half of it always say its fine and the other half saying the opposite ones..and most of the time,i am always in denial of every fact that i should do it the right way..and i got carried away with this kind of feelings until it caught me with bad sequences..and now,i gotta get back on track..dont doubt if i am not myself anymore.