Saturday, November 27, 2010

padan muka!

as i was browsing through the social network site,i found some of my childhood friends-my primary-schoolmates..i felt so down and inferior looking at where they are now,not literally the place they are in now,but more to the achievements they've had now,the course they are taking now and the institution they'll be going soon.we are so grown up now..they are now talking like pros..talking bout their placement and all..many of them are doing medic and will be doing medic overseas..some of them are in the local universities but of course in the prestigious one like UM,USM and UPM doing professional courses like bio-medic,engineering,law,mathematics,statistics and all the 'tics' 'tics' 'tics' and the list go on..none of them are in the franchise-univ like me..blergh!uitm is just sooo lay-back and it drags me offence.theres just no healthy competition..okay okay back to reality,i am so wrong in so many places if i got green with envy with their achievements..reality check,padan laa muka tu..sapa suruh tak mengaji rajen2 dulu..main laa byk2 lagi!

Friday, November 26, 2010

just for SECONDS

i found this as i was blog-hopping..kinda inspiring n i feel responsible to at least re-post this to my blog..may we always be BLESSED ;)

besarnya nilai wang kertas bernilai RM1 apabila dibawa ke masjid
untuk disedekahkan; tetapi betapa kecilnya kalau dibawa ke Mall untuk dibelanjakan!

Betapa lamanya melayani Allah selama lima belas minit namun
betapa singkatnya kalau kita melihat filem.

betapa sulitnya untuk mencari kata-kata ketika berdoa (spontan) namun
betapa mudahnya kalau mengata atau mengumpat
tanpa harus berfikir panjang-panjang.

Betapa asyiknya apabila pertandingan bola dipanjangkan waktunya namun
kita mengeluh ketika khutbah di masjid lebih lama sedikit daripada biasa.

Betapa sulitnya untuk membaca satu helai Al-qur'an tapi
betapa mudahnya membaca 100 halaman dari novel atau majalah yang laris.

Betapa beria-ia orang untuk duduk di depan dalam pertandingan atau konsert namun
lebih senang berada di saf paling belakang ketika berada di Masjid

Betapa mudahnya membuat 40 tahun dosa demi memuaskan nafsu berahi semata, namun
alangkah sulitnya ketika menahan nafsu selama 30 hari ketika berpuasa.

Betapa sulitnya untuk menyediakan waktu untuk solat 5 waktu; namun
betapa mudahnya menyesuaikan waktu dalam sekejap pada
saat terakhir untuk event yang menyenangkan.

Betapa sulitnya untuk mempelajari erti yang terkandung di dalam al qur'an; namun
betapa mudahnya untuk mengulang-ulangi gosip yang sama kepada orang lain.

Betapa mudahnya kita mempercayai apa yang dikatakan oleh surat khabar namun
betapa kita meragui apa yang dikatakan oleh Kitab Suci Al-Quran.
Betapa takutnya kita apabila dipanggil Boss dan cepat-cepat menghadapnya namun
betapa kita berani dan dgn lambatnya untuk menghadapNya saat kumandang azan bergema.

Betapa setiap orang ingin masuk syurga seandainya tidak perlu untuk percaya atau
berfikir,atau mengatakan apa-apa,atau berbuat apa-apa.
Betapa kita dapat menyebarkan seribu
kelucuan melalui e-mail, dan menyebarluaskannya dengan FORWARD seperti api; namun
kalau ada e-mail yang isinya tentang Allah betapa seringnya kita ragu-ragu, enggan membukanya dan menyebarkannya,
serta terus klik pada icon

Sebar luaskanlah & bersyukurlah
Apakah tidak lucu apabila anda tidak memFORWARD pesan ini. Betapa banyak
orang tidak akan menerima pesan ini, kerana anda tidak yakin bahawa mereka
masih percaya akan sesuatu?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


i found a lomo camera when i was cleaning up my is a lomo super sampler by anna sui..i dont know if it is still functioning or not..i hope it does..i dont know whos camera is that cause i never had one before..i think its my brother's..i hope it still can be used..gonna buy the film n try it looks sooo cool in light purple all hyped!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

bad bad day

today has been quite a rough day for started when i was forced to pick up my sister because her car couldnt be started..then i promise to my friend to attend her sister's wedding but i couldnt make it due to soooooo many constrain..i had to fetch my sister n then took her home n wait for her to have her lunch n then send her back to the office..the chores doesnt end there..i had to fetch her again at 6 pm..after all the 'heaven' part plus cursing n everything,the most climax part that really pissed me off is when i dine in at one of the restaurant near the pacific roundabout..the food is damn bad n tasteless..yes no lie..i ordered nasi goreng thai which in my mind was most likely like i had in nurha or any other diner..but it turned out to be a plate of nasi goreng kunyit with chicken wing which they claimed to be nasi goreng thai..oh hey what the heck?isnt nasi goreng thai suppose to be hot n spicy with some prawns and diced chicken in it??awat tak tulis ja nasi goreng kunyit or nasi goreng ayam ja??i banned that restaurant.i wont go there again for any reasons..dh laa sepinggan rm5.50,aih tak puaih hati betoi aku!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

save mother earth

lets talk about the weather.the weather nowadays is the morning,the sun is shining as bright as ever and suddenly the sky seems like its gonna fall anytime.recently,kedah has been severely affected with flood,and that include my housing thing that makes me wonder is that the flood hits my hometown not during rainy days.yea,i know that the authority open the gate of the dam to let go of the overflowing water to prevent the dam from bursting and create another chaos story..but then,in 2005 they too did open the gate but my housing area wasnt affected AT ALL!

today,alor setar is experiencing development.more trees are chopped off to make way for development.being away from alor setar for 2-3 weeks is enough to see the changes in landscape of the developed area.just give a ride around the city and u'll find it hot enough for u to shed tears if u dont wear sunglasses while driving..the heat is different..its like poking ur strained eyes..there are no trees to filter the hot sun..the sun ray is radiated straight right to the earth without being filtered.the environment is getting hotter day by day.the number of vehicles on roads is increasing day to day and that contributes to the global warming we are experiencing these days.

another main project that is going on in alor setar is the electrified double track project which is believed to be the main cause of the severe flood happening recently.this project causes the drainage system to be incapable of channeling a huge volume of water plus the drain is clogged with sand and other building materials which probably caused the water couldnt flow properly and eventually rises..well that is my personal thought about the project and i am not a professional to talk deeper about this..but thats what i think of since my housing estate has never been flooded as far as i can remember.

this is the price that we have to pay for ruining the mother earth for the sake of my own personal opinion,it is better to preserve mother nature than to opt for development.we've gone through a lot of things and we survived even without the electrified train or what so ever kind of not saying that we do not need development.yes we do need development to improvise our lifestyle and to be forward..but to some extend,it is better no development if it is taking its toll on us.why dont we think of green development that wont affect the mother earth?why chop off trees just to make way for development?why dont we think of another way to preserve the trees and at the same time the development is engaging?these kind of questions should be given a serious thought since the earth is getting sicker day by MOTHER EARTH!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

saying goodbye is the sweetest thing in life!

im done with all those numbers and figures and its time for me to be back to basics..adios amigos solid mechanics,soil mechanics and calculus for engineers..until we meet again in next chapters..

Monday, November 8, 2010

it turns on u back!

BASIC SOIL MECHANICS dh dgn selamatnyaaaa aku goreng secukup doomed!dh laa carry mark far as i am now,i think this semester has been the worst..dgn selalu ponteng kelasnyaaa,assignment tiru,tutorials tak penah siap..i know i gotta pay for im barely facing the consequences..i have plenty of time in the hall to think of nothing since i dont know how and what to answer the question..i know theres no point of regretting my already halfway in this and i have and i must finish it off!

i gotta get back on track..i promise to myself that i want and will perform well in every single test and even quizzes for coming semesters..yes.thats my promise.theres just no point to wallow in self pity!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

stop whining because what we are having here is not even a quarter of what they are experiencing in other parts of the world like indonesia and other countries with various natural disasters.

this is just a minor part of 'ujian' to test our faith.count your blessings and be thankful of what you have.

water no water

people carrying pails full of clean but not so pristine water has become a common sight here,in arau..beringin to be precise.

i think i've built some muscle..triceps especially..thanks to the authority for shutting down water supplies due to flood woes thats happening currently in perlis and kedah..this will be memory!a reminiscing one i suppose!