Sunday, December 23, 2012
...of what i feel inside
its ok, i let go.HE might have reserved me someone better and its just a matter of time.
ok fine, lets move on. NEXT!!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Tears and joy
Just to mark the calendar, 29.11.2012 was my convocation for my diploma in civil engineering. I finally have my sweat,tears and everything in between.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
So my life has been quite manageable so far in terms of studies n stuffs.but still im juggling to manage my time wisely here.
But one thing that is running in my head n my mind is about 'hati dan perasaan'
I actually hate that part cause its kind of tearing me inside.i dont think I should feel that way pun tapi entah,it still bothers.
Kadang I feel stupid for spending my time with him.what if he's not 'the one'??(well I dont even think he's the one pun sebab I dont think he feels the same too) tapi I dont know how to avoid.he keeps coming.
Told you I hate this kind of feeling!urgh sick you know, sick!!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Of palestine and peace.
It has been about two months since I last blogged.well, I just installed this app on my phone that I can blog on the go,so hopefully i'll blog more after this.
Life has been good but of course with some ups n downs which I should not complain more.
While i'm here complaining abt how piles of homeworks could ruin my life, how I dont have time to fold my machine-washed clothes, how lazy I am to go down n buy myself lunch, how I hate being g degree student, how hard I live here without a car to move around, and many other silly and absurd whining about my life rite now-there are other kids on the other side of the world who are fighting for their lives,without having sophisticated weapons to defend themselves against the zionist laknatullah!
Humanity is on the rock!
Killing those innocence kids,slaughtering n burning them to death with no mercy..what are those people thinking??defending themselves?from what??to me,they are nothing but coward.
I should be thankful enough for what I have now.ALHAMDULILLAH.
so muslims,let us pray.pray with all our heart, that the Allah will safe our brothers n sisters out there.thats the least we can do but in shaa Allah could make a huge difference.amin!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
shah alam
Well, I could not say much on that matter or else I'll be bailed. There is no students' voice here. Just because he holds the tittle DEAN OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY, everyone working under him is afraid of voicing out. I dont think that is rational and obviously it is not FAIR. Okay enough about that, please.
Oh, about my roommates, Alhamdulillah they are all awesome way beyond words. Thank Allah for that, or else I'll be more homesick because I take time to blend well with strangers.
Err,talking about degree, it is seriously hectic here. Everything is super fast and i have to work more on my own. Finding extra informations on the courses I take this semester, the tutorials, the pace that I have to be in line with, those are everything that is totally different from I came from previously. I MISS ARAU so freaking bad. I miss my buddies too. Shafiqah and Afifah. It feels different without them around. But Alhamdulillah we have phones nowadays, the only thing that keeps me in touch with them. Well, I could not complaint more. That is what life is afterall.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
haa cmtu jaa aku dpt keja..haha..alhamdulillah laa..yg lawaknya,gaji pon aku tak tanya berapa..nasib laa,jnji aku tak boring duduk rumah..kalau boleh insyaAllah nk keja 2 bulan smpai tgh bulan 8 ni which means before raya..lepas tu nk p jalan2 backpack with friends..insyaAllah,moga2 Allah permudah segala..amin ya rob!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
td belek2 folder gmbar yg ada dekat dalam external..lps tu terjumpak gmbar zaman part 3 UiTM..ok tu zaman paling rindu sekali..zaman rempit naik moto dari arau smpai kangar semata-mata nk makan kfc sbb kfc xdak lg dekat arau time tu..n of course lah bukan aku yg merempit sbb aku ni penakut bawak moto walaupun ada lesen..aku pon tak faham mcm mana aku lulus lesen moto dgn sekali test saja..HAHA..mesti laa my dear shafiqah yg rempit.aku naik blakang je..hehehe..rempit bersama skuter ego KCS warna merah!sanggup rempit smpai ke kangar semata-mata nak makan je..lepastu msa the first ever SECRET RECIPE in PERLIS bukak dkt kangar pon kami rempit jugak just to eat chocolate lava!!gila tak gila..sanggup rempit about 20 minutes just to eat!ohh rindunyaaaaa zaman naik moto dulu2..
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
bila dekat rumah ada wifi and masing2 terperuk dlm bilik masing2 tak keluar2 dah unless for food,mcmni laa jadinya..ckp dgn mak hari2 pon boleh kira dgn jari berapa patah perkataan yg keluar daripada mulut ni..haih..i dont want this to seriously, i dont want!i want my life like what i had when i was small, when i was in school, when i was with my friends living under the same roof..i dont like being who i am today.seriously i dont!
my current life revolves around no one but myself, my sister and my parents..the only time i communicate with my mom is when we are in the car, either me fetching her from school or whenever she asked me to bring her somewhere she wanted for my dad, xpayah ckp laa..mmg plg byk ckp pon time nk suruh aku bangun pagi n breakfast ja..n ptg2 time dia nk suruh aku sapu smpah or beli makanan..tu jaa..kakak aku yg sorang tu,LAGIIILAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA susah even nk tgk muka pon..balik kerja terus terperuk dlm bilik..hmm me? the rest of time is spent in my room..kalau tak online, baca novel..lps mgrb,terus duduk dlm bilik tak keluar2 dh smpai esok pg pulak!
thats how pathetic my life is right bersyukur sbb masih lagi bernafas ni bumi tuhan ni..ALHAMDULILLAH..xsabar nk tunggu mak cuti sekolah sbb boleh p jalan2 so that i can communicate with REAL people..not virtually like i always did nowadays!!i want my normal life back, please!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
TAPI, a big fat massive disappointment for me as i was a bit late to fill the forms to several uni overseas sbb kebanyakkannya dah smpai deadline..xpa, mungkin kalau aku yg dpt pergi sana, maybe aku tak boleh survive alone..iman pon xberapa nak tebal mana, jd mungkin Allah tak bg rezeki untuk ke sana lg sebab aku belum bersedia mental,fizikal,emosi dan yg paling penting IMAN belum penuh di dada..siapa tau kalau aku dpt kesana sekarang, mungkin aku tak boleh score or jd terpesong (Nauzubillah hi min zalik) kan? insyaAllah Allah maha pemurah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim, mungkin rezeki aku datang dlm bentuk lain..mungkin Allah simpan untuk alam pekerjaan nanti..atau, rezeki dari segi suami mithali mungkin..siapa kita to predict these kind of rezeki kan? insyaAllah, put your trust on have HIM even if you never obey HIM..rezeki, jodoh, ajal maut semua tu rahsia PRAY AND NEVER STOP PRAYING!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
i am dying to watch the vow, but its not aired in alor star,the nearest is penang :(
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012
home sweet home

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
of babies and kiddos :))

Sunday, February 26, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012

my eyes were glued on this little pinky thing i want soo bad!but sadly, i'm costs rm2658 for me to be the proud owner!what the..rabak poket aku!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
the awkward moment when . . . .
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Saturday, January 7, 2012
at 21 years old, theres just nothing of me to be proud off..