im done with diploma in civil engineering.
finally its a wrap!
i am sooooooo gonna miss my bunch of bunch of crazy friends..
those who had gone through thick n thin with me..
those who stick together comes rain or high tide..
seriously,it is freaking sad to be parted..
its true,saying goodbye is the hardest thing to do.
but every start will always has an end.
so here we are today, parting ways and bidding goodbyes..
knowing you guys seriously are the best thing ever happened in my life..
even thanks for gazzillion times would never be enough for all the good things you guys have showered me with.
thank you pipah, wahida, pikah, maher, ten, myna, an, bayun, sham, cudin, min, minah, nisa, cida, amin, aisyah, ummi, nury, and a whole lot more!
i love you guys LILLAH.