It has been about two weeks since i set my butt here in Shah Alam. Yes, i got to continue my Degree here. Alhamdulillah I can cope here but obviously Arau served me better than here. I seriously miss my times in Arau. They say Shah Alam has everything but to me, here is plain, dull and hectic. Everyone is like a robot. Too engaged with own responsibilities. The dean of my faculty for me is kind of freaky and illogical. He decided the attendance to be 100% which means we have to attend each and every class without FAIL! That's why I say people here is like a robot that always work 24/7.
Well, I could not say much on that matter or else I'll be bailed. There is no students' voice here. Just because he holds the tittle DEAN OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY, everyone working under him is afraid of voicing out. I dont think that is rational and obviously it is not FAIR. Okay enough about that, please.
Oh, about my roommates, Alhamdulillah they are all awesome way beyond words. Thank Allah for that, or else I'll be more homesick because I take time to blend well with strangers.
Err,talking about degree, it is seriously hectic here. Everything is super fast and i have to work more on my own. Finding extra informations on the courses I take this semester, the tutorials, the pace that I have to be in line with, those are everything that is totally different from I came from previously. I MISS ARAU so freaking bad. I miss my buddies too. Shafiqah and Afifah. It feels different without them around. But Alhamdulillah we have phones nowadays, the only thing that keeps me in touch with them. Well, I could not complaint more. That is what life is afterall.