Friday, December 31, 2010

happy 2011

here's another typical boring writing of i hit the keyboard,my mind is only full with new year's greeting..i would like to make it quite special at first,but then almost everybody on my social networking sites have posted their greetings as their status..i know i am sooo lame,but who long as i dont bother others,it wont be a crime..

2010 has been the most spiced year for the past 19 years i've witnesses the ups and downs of the past 365 days..i learned things that i never think i would learn,i had valuable experiences,i learn to treasure friedship,i learned that i will never ACE if i just sit back and relax,i learned that money doesnt grow on tree, and the most u
nforgettable memory is that 2010 marks a tragedy to my family where i lost my cousin to an accident..

that shocked us the most and i learned something from that - life is just too short to frown..

i dont want to list down my so called resolutions as none of my previous resolutions have ever been fulfilled ultimate weakness is that i always work things out half way..the excitement and spark in achieving something BIG can never be consistent and lasts..and now i am on my way in provoking myself to erase 'this' thing out of me..maybe thats gonna be the turning point in the attempts of fulfilling my resolutions..

hope that 2011 will bring us more ups than downs,more 'sugar' than
'spice',more life than death,more health and wealth..

may what you see in the mirror delight you, and what others see in you delight them..may someone love you enough to forgive your faults, be blind to your blemishes, and tell the world about your virtues...

adios amigos 2010.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

i have always been longing to write something on my blog but everytime i hit the keyboard,it will end up with nothing to write about..things keep linger in my tiny little mind..i think about almost everything,everyday..from the tiny little ants to the hungry people in ethiopia,you name it..but the dark side of me is i dont know how to put things into words,accordingly,precisely and LIVELY..i have plenty of things and topics to write about but my vocabulary list is aint THAT high..i always admire those who can make me smile while reading likings are just too far from normal..i stalk people who are much older than me..i see things way beyond everybody sees..i listen to songs that mostly suits the elderly..i have my own kind of perspective..and my thinking is sometimes below par..i always find it is a pleasure to please people and i try to satisfy everybody who are close to my heart even the actions are killing me inside..i easily get distracted and flustered over important stuffs and i sometimes have short attention span..and hey look,i've said that i get distracted almost all the time and see what i wrote is just crap and non-related at all!!

ignore of all the rambling and start a new chapter.and happy new year in advance in case i dont have time to wish on the exact date..oh,and im tired of listing the new year's resolutions since non of them are fulfilled..lets see if god give me light to write about it SOON +_+

Monday, December 27, 2010

world today

sesungguhnya education is the root of everything.
rupa cantik macam mana pon,tp kalau akal tu letak di lutut...haih,pndai2 laa smbung ayat aku ni..
sedih pulak aku tgk remaja zaman sekrang yang asyik nk hidup glamorous and luxurious..yang dah tak kenal dosa pahala..
serius aku ckp aku sedih bila dok browse facebook and when i look at those pictures,i feel sad..i feel sorry for them..i cant imagine how would they be when they grow up..when they get married,their kids will surely be like them as their own product and labeling..dunia akan penuh with people like them..

i thank ALLAH for my proper upbringing and environment..
i thank ALLAH for blessing me with brain that i can decide which is wrong which is right..
i thank ALLAH for equipping me with parents that have make me who i am today..

aku rasa bersyukur sangat sbb walaupon aku takda rupa cantik menawan,tp aku ada ilmu..walaupun ilmu tak penuh di dada,but at least,aku masih boleh fikir and distinguish antara yang hak dan batil..susah rasanya jd orang cantik ni..ramai yg 'dumb-blonde' kt luar sana tu,yg bimbo and everything..muka cantik tp akal kelas tiga..susah kalau mcm tu..sbb tak ada ilmu dan tak berkeinginan nk tuntut ilmu,sbb tu laa end up like this-bimbo!no offense..dan mula laa jd tak tentu hala with random sex and nine months later-baby dumping!cuba kalau ada ilmu sikit,iman sikit..kan benda2 mcm ni tak jadi..bukan tak boleh elak,kita yg tak mau nk elak..semuanyaa jahil..ish nauzubillah..

i may not be pious or perfect..but at least i know how to carry myself and i still can think straight though i sometimes may be in my own state of insanity..i know my limits and i know where i stand..

Thursday, December 23, 2010


hello readers *as if i have one

it has been a while since i last blog rite?well,i've been away from my normal life for some times..its kind of a break for me since i had my last vacation long time might not be a filthy-worth vacation to the Europe like everybody wishes for,but i did enjoyed myself all through the holidays..its like a journey of a lifetime where i got to spend my quality time with my dearest close friends and cousins..being independent is one thing,and surviving with the pocket money i have is one more issue that i thought i couldnt handle which fin
ally i manage to handle it quite WISELY i would say..

i had a great time for 10 days of my life.travelling without parents is one good thing to learn about life..there would be no one to tell you what to do or how to do certain things..when troubles arose,i gotta to work my brain out to find the solution..this is the lesson that you wont get when travelling with parents or any other guardians who would tell you almost everything of what to do next or how to get to a place SAFELY..

i've been wanting to do this so long but i didnt have spare time..and now when i got the chance,i wouldnt miss it for the world..every moment were treasured,and memories will of course be reminisced as i grow with time..

Sunday, December 5, 2010

i have a severe problems with my gum..and hair too..
everytime i brush my teeth,my gum keeps bleeding..
and everytime i shampoo my hair,i'll have a serious hair-fall..
is there anything wrong with me?
urgh,my hair gets thinner day by day..and thats is sooo sickening!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


assalamualaikum dan salam satu Malaysia..

ahaha..the greeting is soo rare kan..hee..entah kenapa mlm ni terasa seperti ingin memartabatkan bahasa ibunda pula ye..ihikss..bwk2 laa kejalan yg benar ye anak2..takkan nk skiping london je 24 jam 7 hari kan *ciss bajet kau speaking mcm bertih jagung je kan*

malam ni nk cerita tentang anak2 tahun 2000..alaa yg omputih ckp the Y2K kids tu..milenium gitu..anak2 zaman 2000 ni sgt advance..sangat-sangat ok!tgk jelah
dkt facebook tu ramai pulak budak2 skolah rendah add aku..ciss aku dulu zaman hingusan tu tau apa pasai komputer..satu habuk pon taktau..nasib baik msa darjah 5 or darjah 6 mcm tu dh ada makmal komputer,kalo tak,mmg aku buta IT agaknya..silap2 sepupu aku yg 5 tahun tu pulak yg ajar aku kan..nasib baik dh ada time tu..oh terima kasih kerajaan!hee

ok ok berbalik kpd topik asal kita,smalam sepupu aku mai umah n sleepover kt umah i..dia baru 5 tahun n dia tgk aku tgh hanyut online tiba2 dia mai n kata

qis:kak lala,kak lala tau dak lagu jgn pisahkan??
aku:ish lagu apa plak tu?nyanyi sket..
qis:*smbil nyanyi lagu jgn pisahkan* haa lgu tu laa..kak lala tau dak?
aku:*mood mls nk lyn* haa tau tau
qis:kak lala bukak youtube sat qis nk nyanyi lagu tu

dipendekkan crita,aku pon bukaklaa youtube pnya homepage n dia dah take over aku punya lappie n dia pon online..punya laa pndai budak umo 5 tahun dok surf youtube..bukak byk tab pulak tu..isk isk..flashback balik aku msa umo 5 tahun hampeh tak tau pape psl komputer..laptop apatah lg kan..yg aku tau dulu main aci ligan n ice-cream soda pepsi kola..tu je yg aku tau..

tulah dia budak2 milenium..advance baru sepupu..kalau anak aku nnt cemana plak entah le..tah2 zaman tu nnt dh ada kereta terbang agaknya..

Saturday, November 27, 2010

padan muka!

as i was browsing through the social network site,i found some of my childhood friends-my primary-schoolmates..i felt so down and inferior looking at where they are now,not literally the place they are in now,but more to the achievements they've had now,the course they are taking now and the institution they'll be going soon.we are so grown up now..they are now talking like pros..talking bout their placement and all..many of them are doing medic and will be doing medic overseas..some of them are in the local universities but of course in the prestigious one like UM,USM and UPM doing professional courses like bio-medic,engineering,law,mathematics,statistics and all the 'tics' 'tics' 'tics' and the list go on..none of them are in the franchise-univ like me..blergh!uitm is just sooo lay-back and it drags me offence.theres just no healthy competition..okay okay back to reality,i am so wrong in so many places if i got green with envy with their achievements..reality check,padan laa muka tu..sapa suruh tak mengaji rajen2 dulu..main laa byk2 lagi!

Friday, November 26, 2010

just for SECONDS

i found this as i was blog-hopping..kinda inspiring n i feel responsible to at least re-post this to my blog..may we always be BLESSED ;)

besarnya nilai wang kertas bernilai RM1 apabila dibawa ke masjid
untuk disedekahkan; tetapi betapa kecilnya kalau dibawa ke Mall untuk dibelanjakan!

Betapa lamanya melayani Allah selama lima belas minit namun
betapa singkatnya kalau kita melihat filem.

betapa sulitnya untuk mencari kata-kata ketika berdoa (spontan) namun
betapa mudahnya kalau mengata atau mengumpat
tanpa harus berfikir panjang-panjang.

Betapa asyiknya apabila pertandingan bola dipanjangkan waktunya namun
kita mengeluh ketika khutbah di masjid lebih lama sedikit daripada biasa.

Betapa sulitnya untuk membaca satu helai Al-qur'an tapi
betapa mudahnya membaca 100 halaman dari novel atau majalah yang laris.

Betapa beria-ia orang untuk duduk di depan dalam pertandingan atau konsert namun
lebih senang berada di saf paling belakang ketika berada di Masjid

Betapa mudahnya membuat 40 tahun dosa demi memuaskan nafsu berahi semata, namun
alangkah sulitnya ketika menahan nafsu selama 30 hari ketika berpuasa.

Betapa sulitnya untuk menyediakan waktu untuk solat 5 waktu; namun
betapa mudahnya menyesuaikan waktu dalam sekejap pada
saat terakhir untuk event yang menyenangkan.

Betapa sulitnya untuk mempelajari erti yang terkandung di dalam al qur'an; namun
betapa mudahnya untuk mengulang-ulangi gosip yang sama kepada orang lain.

Betapa mudahnya kita mempercayai apa yang dikatakan oleh surat khabar namun
betapa kita meragui apa yang dikatakan oleh Kitab Suci Al-Quran.
Betapa takutnya kita apabila dipanggil Boss dan cepat-cepat menghadapnya namun
betapa kita berani dan dgn lambatnya untuk menghadapNya saat kumandang azan bergema.

Betapa setiap orang ingin masuk syurga seandainya tidak perlu untuk percaya atau
berfikir,atau mengatakan apa-apa,atau berbuat apa-apa.
Betapa kita dapat menyebarkan seribu
kelucuan melalui e-mail, dan menyebarluaskannya dengan FORWARD seperti api; namun
kalau ada e-mail yang isinya tentang Allah betapa seringnya kita ragu-ragu, enggan membukanya dan menyebarkannya,
serta terus klik pada icon

Sebar luaskanlah & bersyukurlah
Apakah tidak lucu apabila anda tidak memFORWARD pesan ini. Betapa banyak
orang tidak akan menerima pesan ini, kerana anda tidak yakin bahawa mereka
masih percaya akan sesuatu?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


i found a lomo camera when i was cleaning up my is a lomo super sampler by anna sui..i dont know if it is still functioning or not..i hope it does..i dont know whos camera is that cause i never had one before..i think its my brother's..i hope it still can be used..gonna buy the film n try it looks sooo cool in light purple all hyped!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

bad bad day

today has been quite a rough day for started when i was forced to pick up my sister because her car couldnt be started..then i promise to my friend to attend her sister's wedding but i couldnt make it due to soooooo many constrain..i had to fetch my sister n then took her home n wait for her to have her lunch n then send her back to the office..the chores doesnt end there..i had to fetch her again at 6 pm..after all the 'heaven' part plus cursing n everything,the most climax part that really pissed me off is when i dine in at one of the restaurant near the pacific roundabout..the food is damn bad n tasteless..yes no lie..i ordered nasi goreng thai which in my mind was most likely like i had in nurha or any other diner..but it turned out to be a plate of nasi goreng kunyit with chicken wing which they claimed to be nasi goreng thai..oh hey what the heck?isnt nasi goreng thai suppose to be hot n spicy with some prawns and diced chicken in it??awat tak tulis ja nasi goreng kunyit or nasi goreng ayam ja??i banned that restaurant.i wont go there again for any reasons..dh laa sepinggan rm5.50,aih tak puaih hati betoi aku!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

save mother earth

lets talk about the weather.the weather nowadays is the morning,the sun is shining as bright as ever and suddenly the sky seems like its gonna fall anytime.recently,kedah has been severely affected with flood,and that include my housing thing that makes me wonder is that the flood hits my hometown not during rainy days.yea,i know that the authority open the gate of the dam to let go of the overflowing water to prevent the dam from bursting and create another chaos story..but then,in 2005 they too did open the gate but my housing area wasnt affected AT ALL!

today,alor setar is experiencing development.more trees are chopped off to make way for development.being away from alor setar for 2-3 weeks is enough to see the changes in landscape of the developed area.just give a ride around the city and u'll find it hot enough for u to shed tears if u dont wear sunglasses while driving..the heat is different..its like poking ur strained eyes..there are no trees to filter the hot sun..the sun ray is radiated straight right to the earth without being filtered.the environment is getting hotter day by day.the number of vehicles on roads is increasing day to day and that contributes to the global warming we are experiencing these days.

another main project that is going on in alor setar is the electrified double track project which is believed to be the main cause of the severe flood happening recently.this project causes the drainage system to be incapable of channeling a huge volume of water plus the drain is clogged with sand and other building materials which probably caused the water couldnt flow properly and eventually rises..well that is my personal thought about the project and i am not a professional to talk deeper about this..but thats what i think of since my housing estate has never been flooded as far as i can remember.

this is the price that we have to pay for ruining the mother earth for the sake of my own personal opinion,it is better to preserve mother nature than to opt for development.we've gone through a lot of things and we survived even without the electrified train or what so ever kind of not saying that we do not need development.yes we do need development to improvise our lifestyle and to be forward..but to some extend,it is better no development if it is taking its toll on us.why dont we think of green development that wont affect the mother earth?why chop off trees just to make way for development?why dont we think of another way to preserve the trees and at the same time the development is engaging?these kind of questions should be given a serious thought since the earth is getting sicker day by MOTHER EARTH!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

saying goodbye is the sweetest thing in life!

im done with all those numbers and figures and its time for me to be back to basics..adios amigos solid mechanics,soil mechanics and calculus for engineers..until we meet again in next chapters..

Monday, November 8, 2010

it turns on u back!

BASIC SOIL MECHANICS dh dgn selamatnyaaaa aku goreng secukup doomed!dh laa carry mark far as i am now,i think this semester has been the worst..dgn selalu ponteng kelasnyaaa,assignment tiru,tutorials tak penah siap..i know i gotta pay for im barely facing the consequences..i have plenty of time in the hall to think of nothing since i dont know how and what to answer the question..i know theres no point of regretting my already halfway in this and i have and i must finish it off!

i gotta get back on track..i promise to myself that i want and will perform well in every single test and even quizzes for coming semesters..yes.thats my promise.theres just no point to wallow in self pity!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

stop whining because what we are having here is not even a quarter of what they are experiencing in other parts of the world like indonesia and other countries with various natural disasters.

this is just a minor part of 'ujian' to test our faith.count your blessings and be thankful of what you have.

water no water

people carrying pails full of clean but not so pristine water has become a common sight here,in arau..beringin to be precise.

i think i've built some muscle..triceps especially..thanks to the authority for shutting down water supplies due to flood woes thats happening currently in perlis and kedah..this will be memory!a reminiscing one i suppose!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

you know,one thing for sure is that i will be there on my own.
yes on my own.on my own bare feet and bare hands.

Friday, October 22, 2010

i want mine to be like this

my ever mr wonderman ;))

dorky me

When im all alone and have plenty of time to think of anything,the feeling of total obnoxious of my own self strikes.i will look down on myself.inferiority complex strikes.i am totally not confident of my own self.i have a roomate who sings very very well and dance well u ever ask!i am tone deaf.i dont sing well and u’ll wish for a thunderstorm rather than listening me another thing i am very bad at.real bad i tell you!despite i cant sing,i dont play any musical instrument too.i cant barely strum a guitar or play the piano.what else with the wind instruments and everything.

Second is i always have issues with my hair.for as long as i lived,i sometimes dont like my hair.well not sometimes,you can consider it as ALWAYS.FYI,i constantly changed my hairstyle until i decided to stop when i enter university.i dont have those silky straight hair and trust me,my hair is a disaster.i always envy those with straight and silky hair that shines under the some point,i do think of chopping off my hair and be bald.

Talking of physical attraction,kick me out first baby because i am on top from the bottom of the list!i dont have those mesmerising eyes or perfectly cute nose.all i have is pimples all over my face.i wear specks since i am in primary school and u know how fugly i was that time.i am all jealous with my friends with the perfect body all ladies want in their life.i’ve never been skinny all my life.tell me i crazy or what but sometimes i do feel like never wanna go out of the room when inferiority is on the peak.

Ok shut the fuck up with the physical attraction thingy.lets talk about education.well im thankfull enough of my upbringing where education is being the most prior thing in life.but i am not a brainy one compared to my friends.and now i feel like im dragging myself to succeed in the field i am taking.i just occupy the basics one.not more than that.i dont get along well with numbers and figures and my brain cant accept too much facts.i dont perform well in my tests or exams.i dont master every just average in my studies and i WISH i do more beyond average.i want to be excellent.

Tell me in what aspect that i am unique?i dont think i am unique.i cant see my specialty.i cant stretch myself to be perfect,at least for myself to see that i am perfect.i cant get everything that i want like those filthy rich kids get.i dont have awesome gadgets or awesome clothes.i was nothing more than ordinary.i AM nothing more than ordinary.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

oh pms

i hate pms.yes i hate it soo much cos i dont know how to handle myself when it happens.i'll cry for no reasons..i'll ramble and mumble on such tiny bit things thats not vital at all (in fact,doesnt even affect anything physically)..i'll think way beyond what i suppose to think and i'll end up sulking and even worst i'll cry like a baby (oh tipu,air mata meleleh ja ok)..with the mood swing and all,i still can smile looking at the dot-dot-dot and at the same time the indescribable feeling just came across me..urgh i sometimes hate being teenagers..i cried over the phone last night talking to my mom..oih i hate myself for being such a looser crying for tiny little things that i know i can endure..that was just because of PMS..that wasnt not me when pms attack..

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

just like a paper-back novel

ok since the internet is being nice tonight,so i decided to blog even i dont even have anything particular to ramble about..

well lets start with my school things..i have ecs test this coming saturday but i dont prepare anything yet.i dont have the mood (again) to study (oh why dont just say i never find the good time to study) yet..the final is on its way real fast but i even dare to dream to go back home during the study week break (oh i never sedar diri yg ilmu tak pernah penuh di dada,yes i know).For the past few days,i've been thinking about my bleak future in engineering field since im facing a great trouble filling my tiny brain with numbers and figures and all those crap soil subject that has never been nice to me since last semester.i hope i wont fail this paper (yes im down on my knees begging to pass this subject).thank god i did quite well in test 2 (i think i did quite well because i was able to answer every single question without having to termenung sana sini tgk kiri kanan when i was in the hall like i did in test 1).oh not to forget about math.i think i did crap.oh yeah,i knew i aint good at math..

ok ok i know should count my blessings and i know there are more people having more severe problems than me out there.i always think abt how it feels like if i study abroad..maybe i would complaint and whine more than this..maybe i would write more lenghty and useless posts in my blog..i know i shouldnt complain since thats what students shoud do-STUDY- right?but what if it bugs me more if i aint let it out..its my blog afterall,why would i think of other people in the first place aite?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

i thank YOU!

If in the previous post i wish to be Lucy,now i wish i could be an android.yes an android with no heart feelings or hard feelings or what so ever kind of feelings.i hate to get mad at people that i care for because i just have to cursed inside.i cant let them out because the person that i am mad at is the person that i care for,the person that i love.i hate this kind of feeling.i am crying inside.if i knew this would happen,i would done everything on my own.and for you,thank you for pilling up my work.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

keep it low

i kinda annoyed when seeing people updating their status at social-networking page abt their love life,abt their regrets of falling in love, and bla bla bla related..hey,lets make it private and keep it to is sooo not cool to let ppl know everything abt you rite?

Friday, September 24, 2010

sometimes i wish i was like Lucy,the girl in 50 first dates who woke up in the morning and forgot everything what she has gone through the past..and I DO wish that theres a guy who is madly in love until he doesnt even bother that i have short-term memory..reality checks!thats never gonna happen..

Thursday, September 23, 2010

see you soon

Back to the lame,tediuos,hectic,sweaty and not-so-rainbow place.Classes have just started for two days and i am already loaded with assignments and homeworks (these are actually my delayed works due to procrastication).I think im still diffused in the hari raya mood due to two-weeks holiday that suck out everything academic in me.there’s just no nothing.i cant even focus in class.all i know is to end up everything and go to bed..all that i waited everyday since i arrived here is to end the class for the day and climb up my bed and boom,shut my eyes and bubbye world!

Oh,for your information,i have tons of course work to be done to meet the sure there will be more sleepless nights after this until the final exam..frankly,im always excited when the exam is near..i always LOVE exams because there will be HOLIDAYS after exam..but ofcourse i’ll have to squeeze my brain out and work hard before meeting the HOLIDAYS!and thats the shit part..oh how i wish exams would be abolished!

Well,since im here,the internet reception of my broadband has been acting like a bitch..all my post are always end up in the draft and i dont know when i will post them all..blame CELCOM for this!hey,please upgrade your reception lah dear..i pay for this.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

i'll be the last one standing!

almost every student in my social-network page keeps whining about the assignments that need to be done to meet the dateline..and here i am again complaining about the same thing like everybody did..i think i shouldnt say a word about it but then,i kinda stressed out when everyone keep asking the same question whether im done with it or tell the truth,i dont even take the trouble to settle it up and be done with it..i just give it a glare and im done!see,i told you i have issues with my inner self when it comes to studies..still,i cant get rid of my current forte-PROCRASTINATION.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

i miss the way we talk crap..
i miss the way you update me gossip in the most juciest way..
i miss the moment we talk on phone with me crying through the phone telling u problems,and u patiently calm me down with your superb advices..
i miss it when we drove around dont know where to go and we sang like mad in the car..
i miss YOU,afiqah ahmad!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

i had a blast raya about you?

i have like tonnes of things to write about..i was veryy veryyy veryyyyy fully occupied these past few days..the starting of this month was quite a bad one for me..i had food poisoning the day after i got home from college..jd lembik mcm kain buruk for 3 days..tak lalu makan langsung..and i lost abt 4 kgs :))
and on the 8th,i sent my grandma to kl as she wanted to celebrate eid with my aunt in kl..our flight was at 3.45 pm and we arrived at klia around 5 pm..then on the 9
my flight to alor star was the earliest which was at 7.15..but unluckily f
or me,my bro booked the ticket for the 9 of august..i repeat,AUGUST!not september..hoh!then i rushed to the counter to buy another ticket to AOR but again,unfortunately,it was full!!mcm dh nk nangis
dh aku time tu..aku nk raya dgn mak kt aloq staq..huaaa

lpas tu tros makcik aku bwk pg pjaya sentral cari tiket bas tp kaunter plak tak bukak lg..adoi,malang sungguh ye sy pd hari itu..we waited abt 1 hour and finally a
da jugak tiket bas balek aloq staq!huh..naseb baik! a
de lg malangnyaa..belom habes..heee..katanya bas pkol 9.3o,tp tunggu punya tunggu pkol 10 baru smpai..naik2 bas,berhenti merata plak bas neh..then smpai sungai petani,bas rosak pulak dah!aku nk boikot AB ekspress lpas neh..tunggu pulak aku sejam kt tepi jalan tu..tunggu bas l
ain dtg amek..finally,after 9 hours,smpai jugak aloq staq tercinta..punya laa unlucky day!boleh buat hikayat ceritera balik raya..hehe

n taun neh,raya is quite different sbb slama aku hidup 19 tahun neh,tak penah lg ray 1st dkt my dad's side dkt this is my first gilak rupanya raya dkt yan..happening habes!gempak gila lwn mercun dgn kampung time nk reques
t raya dkt yan lg lah...hehe..n bila balek yan,byk pulak fotographernyaa..smpai 5 bijik kamera smuanya..gmbq takyah crita laa..smpai penoh pendrive 8 gb!haha..dasyat kan family sy bila

so here are some pictures raya taun neh!enjoys!

flowers :)

second raya

the fireworks!

mikha iss soooo a potential heartbreaker!haha

all of us,the cousins at tokwan's house!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

happy birthday,MALAYSIA

31st August 2010-53 years on independence for our beloved country,MALAYSIA.

do we really are independent enough?

ask yourself.what have we contribute to our beloved country our whole life?


Monday, August 30, 2010

movie maniac

last night was a movie marathon for me..i dare to indulge myself even when i am in the middle of 'war' with my studies,even i know that i did crap in my soil mechanics test..i did study even it was last minute..when going through the test,i was cursing all the way..i was clueless on almost every question in the what the fuck this question is??i thought it was just me having issues with the question,but when the test ended,my friends were all moaning and telling me they too did crap in the test..haha..and thats kinda relieved for me n the guilty of not studying hard literally decreased at the last night i decided to watch movies..heee..

i watched 2 love-romantic-comedy movies which are obviously my kind of movies..yes,say it im mushy or what,but thats the kind of movie that can make me laugh and cry at the same time..hoho..i know how pathetic i am!okay okay back to main story..i watched LOVE HAPPENS and THE LAST SONG..the one with miley cyrus in it was soo touchy and i cried watching this movie..the love of the father is well delivered in this movie..heart-warming i would say..well for love happens,i smile all the way from the start until the end!i like these movies..these 2 are recommended to be watched..well of cos if u watched it all alone without any interruptions..

Saturday, August 28, 2010

when theres no one there to dry your tears

she's finally gone..gone to pursue her dream of becoming an economist..the girl i knew since the age of 14,has finally flew to spread her thing i'll remember about her always is that she's a girl who dare to dream and dare to fulfill her dream..she's full of determination..she's one kind of a motivator to me..she's been with me through thick and thin,through rain and shine..and im not afraid to tell the world that i've spilled a gallon of tears on her shoulder..i know i always have her whenever i have problems..she's my advisor in buying new dvds..she has a great taste in music..we share a lot in common..i surely gonna miss her..even we are miles apart,but one thing she should know is that im never gonna forget about gonna miss everything about her..

dear afiqah ahmad,
goodluck in everything..take good care of yourself there in hard and i wanna see u when u comeback as an economist..not an ordinary one..but the great one!!i love u!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

when evening shadow and the stars appear see,i am now suppose to study soil mechanics since the test is on the day after mind is full of nothing and still i am way too lazy to get out of my comfort zone..still,procrastination is playing its role way too great until it's manipulating my life turning it 180 degrees up side down.

2.the thought of changing course keeps corrupting my mind these past few weeks..HOWEVER,i cant see my future being anything else but engineer or at least,a consultant..its like having a love-hate relationship with the course im taking now..its not how tough the course is that i cant endure (hopefully i can,at least until i finish my degree),but its like doing the things that u dont like your whole life..hey,why the heck im taking this course in the first place??

3.these past few weeks,i have major issue getting out of my bed has always been the most comfortable place ever exist on earth (my bed at home is of course more tempting than what i have here in the hostel)..i've always being late to class..the worst is i ditched the classes more often than last 2 semesters.. trying so hard right pushing myself far as i can go..if possible,far more beyond words...i promise that i'll finish whatever i grateful for what i have and make myself happy out of every single problems then,everyone will be happy and the world will be a better place to stay..

i was nothing more than a girl who wish for something different

slap me right on my face.
bang my head on the wall.
scream right to my ears.OUT LOUD!
i need something to trigger me to face the truth that i need to STUDY STUDY STUDY STUDY!!
im loosing the loosing the loosing focus in class..oh god,i need help!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

panas panas panasnya MENTARI!

dari semalam aku pendam benda alah ni dalam hati..sejak handphone aku bunyi sbb cik nawal telefon and tell me everything about that thing..panas ja rasa dlm chup chup..bukan stakat hati ja..kepala sekali rasa berasap!

eh kau!bawak bawaklah bertaubat der..aku sampai sekarang still tak paham apa laa yg hang cari gadoh sangat dgn kami perempuan perempuan muslimah ni..aku tak nampak pon sebab musabab yg bernas yg boleh hang jdkan sbb yg kukuh nk cari gaduh dgn km..ish ish..grow up lah der!dah 19 kot..yg kau sangap sangat sampai tahap kritikal tu apahal??hal hal dlm kelambu tak nak amek tau skali ka der??

Saturday, August 21, 2010

yellow miniskirt and stripy pantyhose?

despite of all the assignments and other academic responsibilities that are piling up day by day,i choose to go home!

this week is the only week for me to ditch up everything related to arau until i can go back for 2-weeks-raya-break next next week which is on the 4th since i have replacement class for the bloody stupid 'ko'!!classes have been going quite well but BEL has loosen my attention..the spark is not there anymore..and math too..everyday,he keeps coming up with new malay-math term which i never heard of before..the rest are quite okay but nothing is good..just okay..

yesterday,my mum fetched me up around 7.15 pm and we had our buka puasa in the car by the road side..haha..but still every and each seconds were treasured since im surrounded by the most awesome woman in my life..ehehe!!

okay lets not have soooo much fun until the semester ends!!i have to face the most crucial enemy of mine next week!!its soil mechanics test!yeah i know,some may say its just ecg,no problem..but hey,ecg has been the most deadliest subject ever for me..i've screwed up my 2 quizzes before..making it worst,i scored single mark for my 1st quiz and that is freaking the hell out of me!i dont ever want to repeat this paper..all i want for now is for me to pass this paper..i dont demand for an A..that doesnt even cross my mind..

lets see what is waiting for me,seeking the attention and tender love care from me before i can ditch them all for hari raya! 3
2.ecg-test 1
(and probably quiz 3 too) 1
5.ecm-model prototype
6.math-test 1
7.bel-term paper

yaw,goodluck people!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

fight for our right!

As fragile as glass.yes thats what i feel right now.

I thought that i was,i was long as i am a woman,a girl,a lady,theres nothing i couldnt do to stop the tears from i realised that i gotta work hard for whatever i want..theres just no point of pointing fingers blaming others for what i couldnt reach one can be blamed except me..its me in the first place who didnt take any action to make myself ready for everything..

i have always have issues to fight with my inner self where half of it always say its fine and the other half saying the opposite ones..and most of the time,i am always in denial of every fact that i should do it the right way..and i got carried away with this kind of feelings until it caught me with bad sequences..and now,i gotta get back on track..dont doubt if i am not myself anymore.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

thank you sir

yesterday i had 2 tests..yes 2 tests in a DAY..great huh??they were material and solid mechanics which i crap all the way until i dont know what else to write..i screwed up my solid mechanics paper as i didnt study earlier..5 hours before the test start,then i open my book and set my big butt on the chair in the library..yes i know im great!im the best in studying last minute..find me to know how it is done..bahaha..

enough,sir jiwa noris made my day!yeay,because of him,i can go back to alor setar this weekend and buka puasa with my family..and the most important thing is,i'll get the chance to meet my best buddy before she fly to canada!!!yehaaa!!i love u lah,sir!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

wind force causes the sky rise building sway

happy ramadhan,people..
1st day of ramadhan this year was ok..i dont feel like im fasting and all the food in bazar ramadhan didnt even seem to tempt me..but anyhow,i spent rm9 just on food..that was all because the-not-delicious-at-all ayam percik which cost me rm5..i swear im not gonna buy it ever again..okay enough of the swearing-cursing session..

today,i had a speaking practice and all i did was crap but the lect said that we're good and we're on the right track..and that made my day!hee..oh,back to the swearing-cursing part,'yeay' me because i cant go back to alor setar because i have tests and replacement classes these weekends until im off for cuti hari raya..that is the part i hate most where i cant go back to gather with my extended family..and i seem cant meet my best friend ever before she fly to canada..and that is soo freaking sad ;((

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

fun fun FUN

today was quite a disastrous day for me..i ditched (again) csc class because i woke up late today!oh my..apa nk jd pon tatau laa..and it was just my body in ecg soul and my brain were absent..i cant even understand what she was babbling about in front..luckily i can cope with ecs sbb suka sir itu..haha..gatai!!oh,last nite,i had an awesome dinner with half of awesome lah..asyik gelak most of the time smpai org tgk pelik are some pics of last nite..enjoys ;D

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

topic for my term paper has been rejected.REJECTED,man!
skrg aku tgh emo nk cari topic yg sesuai for my term paper..and this term paper is a no carries 30% of my marks..dan mana aku nk cari haa??

Thursday, July 29, 2010

hoi,apa nak jd ni nabilah??

i got a 700 words essay to write but i dont even have the feeling to get it done..
i learn about stress almost everyday which makes me stress too..
i have tonnes of formulas of solid mechanics,soil mechanics and calculus to be memorized but they dont seem to tempt me like facebook does..
i have issues with turbo C++ which i dont know how to get the coding done the right way but i seem to ignore that fact..
i should have stopped online-ing but it is just a part that completes my days like jigsaw puzzle..
the lecturers are busy arranging classes to cover cuti hari raya but that obviously doesnt even excites fact,it just brings me down to the down-est of all downs..
hoi,apa nak jd ni nabilah??

Saturday, July 24, 2010


oh haritu i said i'll upload the pictures i took in gua kerbau rite??
so here it,they come!

muka excited smpai gua kerbau sbb nmpak byk kerbau..haha

xbyk gmbq time activity menyelamat sbb tak bwk hp msa panjat bukit..hee..tgu i pg sedut gmbq kt org lain k..hahaha

Friday, July 23, 2010


ok tak suka what im feeling right now..rasa mcm nak p sembunyi somewhere where no one else can find me..rasa mcm nk nangis but the tears couldnt come out..rasa mcm nk panjat bukit and be on top of it and scream my lungs out..i hate this kind of feelings where u couldnt do anything right..everything seems to be head over heels..and my brain cant even function well to make the right decision..and it feels like crap..these past few days,i got issues with my inner self where everything is not right in the first place..hey,pull me out please!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

bla bla bla AGAIN!

i am now supposed to get my calculus tutorial done but still,i am in denial that i have tonnes of things to,i ditched 3 classes in the evening session..i know i should be forbid to even think about it,but i dont know..the feeling of laziness lingers on me these past few,i slept for 3 hours just now instead of just taking a nap..i ditched solid mechanics class and i know i gotta bear the consequences..i wont understand the whole topic and i know that..but still,im procrastinating myself that i know i can do that which is quite impossible for me reach unless i triple up my is soil mechanics..i think i can cope because just now was just a tutorial class..not,i take the risk n im gonna bear the effect..the last one was CTU class and this 1 im 100% sure i can cope because everything is in the book..i just have to set my butt on the chair n study..

well,today has been nice..the pleasure of skipping classes cant be described..but of course the guilt is always there..oh yaa..this weekend is a packed one for me..i got bowling training this saturday and sunday is the tournament..grrr..when can i have just a day for myself??

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

gua kerbau

GUA KERBAU-once in a lifetime experience.

i dont expect that i can do that extremely extreme seriously extreme..panjat bukit,panjat curam 60 degrees,turun 90 degrees,usung mangsa yg berat jugak walopon orgnya kecik dh nmanya laki,mmg laa berat jugak..aku siap jatoh tergelincir lebam sana sini suma..mmg akan igt one whole lifetime laa..naseb baek laa ada si tiger yg sengal2 alang tu...walopon sengal,beguna jugak mamat tu..kalo dia tak grab aku,mmg arwah dh aku jatoh gaung tu..hish..nauzubillahh!

tp mmg fun lah camp JABATAN PERTAHANAN AWAM MALAYSIA tu even exhausting gila babs wa cakap lu!!tp semua tu dijadikan sbg pengajaran utk msa hadapan..

p/s:pictures will be uploaded later ;))

Sunday, July 11, 2010

arau oh!

it has been roughly about a week since i set my butt here in arau..and so far,i gotta adapt myslef with the new environment here as i was moved to another college..not dahlia kinda sucks at first because dahlia is like the first class of all colleges here in uitm perlis..i got beringin as my hostel..its like a house actually..with two rooms,4 persons each room that make up 8 persons a house..the worst part is,the house is equipped with 1 toilet and 1 bathroom..when it comes to the day where everyone in the house got class at 8 am,the problem arise..we have to fight for the bathroom to take shower..hoh..and i got to know new roomates are all in civil engineering and my other housemates are bankers..huehue..i gotta get to them kinda hard to make new friends as i dont know how to start a conversation..but i hope i can cope well..hee

oh by the way,classes have started and i find it hard for me to cope with ECG which is basic soil mechanics because it has a lot of formulas to memorise..i mean A REAL LOT!plus the lect is being so fussy and cant even pronounce the terms correctly..and not bad-mouthing or what,but she has bad english which makes me kinda hard to understand what is she actually wants to say..sometimes i feel like raising up my hand and say 'mdm,boleh ckp melayu tak?' which obviously i dont..hah..

Thursday, July 8, 2010

yes i CAN!

okay people,take a deep breathe everybody!
this is just the beginning..and all i need is time and strength..
time will change everything..and only time will..
with the he help of determination and effort,of course!
fingers-crossing for good luck and faith.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

my english language lecturer ;))

walaweyh!i have an awesome superbly-dressed English Language lecturer in the whole wide about you?

okay basically for the first 2 classes i've attend,he wore a jason mraz kinda hat (both different in each class..i think he has a room full of this kinda hat like i saw in mr morgarium wonder emporium..haha!) and his tie is put inside his shirt!and thats awesome rite??hahaha..

okay thats creepy..and what makes it more creepier is he had already given us an assignment to write 700 words essay on the first day of class!what else more creepier than that??

Friday, July 2, 2010

ish rasa mcm nk tekan button pause jaa kat semua remote yg ada kt dlm dunia ne so that the time will pause at least for a day..ish berat hatinyalah nk balek arau eventhough arau tu tak jauh mana dr rumah aku..i'll be missing all the fun..and that feels like crap..dh lama aku cuti smpai 2 bulan dah,depa tak rasa nk balek kampong aku dh nk balek arau esok,mula lah suma pakat nak balek kumpoi ramai ramai kt yan..khianat tak khianat..bebai aku..hati berat gila kalah berat badan aku dah nk balek arau..aiseymen...i'll be missing the kenduri in penang tomorow..n i'll not be able to tease mikha n play with yaya..that is soooo SHIT.fullstop!

warkah buat parangers

pergh..tittle post tu tak boleh lagi grand ka??haha..actually,this post is basically about my hopes,my wishes,my doa and my expressions towards parangers,the lifetime friends of mine..though i know some of them will never read this as some of them dont even know that this blog exist,but yeah,im still gonna write this...let this be a memory in 10 years, 20 years to here it is...

hope this will never ends,
even the bond couldnt be bent,
keep it tight as long as we can,
we can make it together we stand,
i will love u to the end!
bahaha..i know it craps..but who cares..

-belajaq elok2 kt upsi tu..cinat,ang jgn tau nk melawa jaa..mengaji prabih dlu..put,toksah dok gatai nk kawen2 neh..aku geget stgi kalo dok gatai sgt nk menikah..mengaji tu pntg..haha

-i know u can survive there..u've been there for a year and hey,ur still alive..heee..i love u to bits..dont forget us here..stadi elok2,jgn mengorat mat salleh pulak..haha

-guys,ur the luckiest to be able to b together smpai masok degree..hah amek kau!kalau dok 1 bilik jugak,mmg bonding cap gam uhu kot..kuat sunggoh dr dlm kelas time skolah dok seblah2..hee..tnx sbb aritu lyn aku msa aku depressed..jd budak bermasalah dgn aku..heh..goodluck dkt UM..jgn dok menggatai cri boifren2 neh..haha

-hang dok elok2 kt ganu tu..toksah dok tensyen2..keja mmg laa byk slagi nmanya keja..mmg tapenah habeh..stadi elok2..nnt aku nk tgk hg balek jd cikgu segak n berwibawa..haha..ayat nk
hat superb ja an..hee..nnt kita wat cuppies lg okeyh..goodluck syg!

-nadie,blajaq elok2 kt uniten tu..sama gak,jgn dok gatai2 ngn boifren..haha..ada tu simpan elok2..haha..sorry laa hritu tak sempat kita nk hu ha hu ha mndi sungai besama..xdak rezeki hg nk hangout ngn km kot aritu..xpa,next time okeyh!goodluck bebeh..wat degree civil cm aku gak..lpaih ne bukak firm sma2 no..haha

-hat ne aku nk nasihat byk sket..ang dok usm tu diam diam sudah..usm pon takpa..penang tu membangun gak..arau pon kalah..haha..mmg laa takleh shoping byk2,tp baguih pa,seb sket duit
ang hat slalu tadak tu..haha..ang pkiaq nk p mengaji laa,bukan nk p berhibur shoping sana sini..nnt cuti sem buleh lg nk p kl ka singapore ka nk bulan pon buleh aku tak kesah..mengaji dulu yg penting..ha 1 lg,ang jgn tesangkot ngn budak nerd button-up sudah..almaklumlah budak bio kan nerd tak habeh..haha..goodluck buddy!

-atai, to kol u that name..satu2nya kwn aku yg nma dia unik..heee..goodluck bebeh..nnt ang balek aku nk tgk DR. ada kt nametag ang besama kot puteh dan stetoskop di leher..hehe..aku tau ang boleh buat..its ur passion kan..dr dulu d
etermine nk jd doctor..goodluck dkt india nnt!

-lama tak jumpak budak ne..buddy,nnt we have to really meet bfore ang fly to japan..i know u can survive dkt um neh..i know u really can..eyh nnt kalo balek aloq staq,call me ok..aku try balek n teman ang p jmpk ckgu zatul kesayangan ang..hee..i love u!

-ur the last one man!goodluck p uia tu...mengaji lek lok..blajaq arab tu nnt balek ajaq aku lak..haha..tudung ang tu bg labuh2 sket stgi kena saman lak kt sana..haha..toksah dok keja nk kerat tudung jaa..tdg ang hat pendek2 tu suma juai kt aku kaih..aku pkai kt arau
takpaa..haha..blajaq jd lawyer yg beriman sket..hahaha..nnt kalo ada masa n ada duit,aku nk p sana,ang bwk aku p gentiing naa..kita plan elok2 ngn bontot yg lg 2 org tu..haha..goodluck weyh!slamat pkai jubah!haha

there goes all 11 of them..11 person that brighten up my life..

oh hey,almost forgot..theres another shining star..

dear afiqah ahmad,though ur not one of my parangers,but hey,ur my best ever that i have..ur my crying shoulder..aku slalu nangis kan bila kol hang??..haa..maluuu..but jyeah,u understands me well..n u always made my day..though i know im not the best for u to have as a friend,but ur the best for me..sorry i wasnt there when u called,when u msgd me..but u shud know that ur always near me though ur far away..goodluck in ALBERTA..i know u can survive there..pray for me to be able to get the ticket to visit u..then,VEGAS here we come!hoho..goodluck baby..i love u!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

the power of time

the time has come..
no matter how long the waiting is,the time will eventually come..and for me,the time has come..the time for me to set my butt and back again to the place where i learn new things though the place isnt quite amazed and pleased me..but again,i have to face it..this period of time will eventually ends sweetly as 2-months of break is waiting for me in november..but before reaching it,i gotta get through this first..and i promise im gonna bring out the best that i have to conquer it.yes i promise!
it doesnt matter whether ur ready or ur not..gotta get ready from now on..what im saying is doesnt count be it in terms of relationship,life and death,together and apart,new and old,new and worn-out..yeah whatever it is,the time will the saying goes,time heals everything..but always have to remember that time reaps up everything too..

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


next on the list : Santorini Island,Greece.

lets make the list long as it can be so it wud be easier for me to choose which one im dying to go..for this time being,Santorini is the 3rd on the list..lets make New Zealand on the top of the list..hohoho..

but i think i wanna work hard for a ticket to canada or USA..visiting my friend in Alberta and nashville..hah!i just need money to pay for the ticket n some pocket money to survive there..accommodation will be no problem unless they wouldnt want me at her place..

but how to get the money since i dont work??guess i'll have to squeeze out my brain to the max for the nex semester final exam..i'll postponed my this-semester-result-present and add it up with my next-semester-result-present to make it worth a fortune!hohoho..insyaALLAH i'll work hard for it!

TM oh TM

yay dah boley online kat dlm bilik..haha..takpayah laa aku gedik2 dok takot online sorang2 kat hall time mlm2 buta an..haha..tu pon sbb TM bengong yg buat keja tehegeh hegeh mcm siput..siput pon laju lg aku rasa..aku dok suroh mai pasang wifi dh bekurun dh aku rasa..dr b4 aku balek cuti sem hari ne baru mai pasang..mmg laa lembab gilaa an..elok laa aku pon dh nk balek arau dh hari sabtu neh..bodo tak biaq laa..asai aku bleh online mlm2 butaa mcm mlm ne tanpa perlu rasa takot dok kt hall sorang2..haha..dasar penakut lah kau,NABILAH oiii...badan besaq tp hati cikeding gak penakut piang..hahaha..

Sunday, June 27, 2010

dont talk to me because i am not gonna talk to you again.
and i am NEVER gonna ask u for anything ever again!
now i know who the hell the REAL TRUE FRIEND is..
maybe i am just the one who think she's the one who understands me but she doesnt even care to care for my feelings..
i think i know her in and out but i never thought she wud ever do this to me.
im gonna put a FULLSTOP here.
she'll always be my friend,but never gonna take that place again.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"it is better to do things that people want you to do because if u do what u urself wants to do,it is called SELFISH"

is this statement right on the first place??thats what my brother said and it kinda open up my mind to think about it..

Sunday, June 20, 2010

why oh why oh why

knapa kalau ada depan mata,rasa mcm susah nk express apa yg kita rasa directly to the person involved?i dont have the guts to actually look into his eyes and say what i really feel abt him..its not that i dont love him..i do LOVE him..i'll give everything to him to make him happy..its just that i dont know how to say it..i dont know how to let it out..i know almost everything abt him..i remember his birthday eventhough sometimes he never remember his own birthday..i rarely go out with him just the two of us..i rarely call him when i'm at the hostel..but i do wished him on his birthday last april though he never replied my msg..i give my life for him..i am now in love with engineering though i never feel like taking it seriously before..but i do this for him..he can see how i can get along well with last 2 semesters result were all for him..i did it for him to make him proud of going to give my best along the 4 semesters coming..i promise.yes i did everything my best just to see the smile on his face..i am happy when he smiled and say..'i know u can do it,baby'

here,i can let my heart out as i know he will never read this..never..i love him though i dont express it physically..but yes,i LOVE U..u are the greatest person ever to be my DAD..HAPPY FATHER's DAY to the only person i called AYAH..

hari hari malas.apa nak jd ne nabilah??

Friday, June 11, 2010

aku bersujud kepada-MU ya ALLAH

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

kenduri kendara ;)

kalau kat malaysia ne,mmg sangat sangat typical kalau cuti sekolah ja,mesti ada buat kenduri kawen..dan sekarang,musim cuti sekolah dah mula..mmg ramai budak2 skolah tgh rehat2 kan minda dan mak pak budak skolah pening kpala pikiaq kenduri abang2 dan kakak2 budak skolah..haha..ok ok apa aku merepek neh..

kemarin dulu which is monday,7th of june,telah belangsungnya kenduri abang kepada puteri nur diana which was held dgn gilang gemilangnya dekat TAMAN BERLIAN,anak bukit..almost half of parangers takdak dkt aloq staq sbb tgh berhempas pulas dgn final penyokong2 setia puteri nur diana ttp tak melepaskan peluang melantak nasi minyak sehingga full capacity perut..bahaha..yg ada kemarin dulu azimah,azie,tikah,nawal,cinat dan semestinyalah aku,si cameraman cabuk!ha ha ha.

mmg best sangat sangat sangat kuasa sepuluh sbb dapat gelak ketawa riang ria raya nestle cornflakes macam zaman sekolah dulu..teringat balek masa sekolah dulu,parangers laa 'pemangkin' kelas 5KEDAH..tadak parangers,5KEDAH senyap sunyi sepi..haha..tolak tepi ahli parangers yg 3 org which is ataillah,izzah n kakpah,baki 8 orang parangers dalam 5KEDAH mmg laa tapenah tutup mulut..potpetpotpet throughout the class..yg lagi seorang dekat kelas 5NEGERI..dia laa paling hingaq..haha..padan laa yg 3 orang ulat buku tu saja yg buleh fly..yg lain mmg dok malaysia sahaja..haha.padan lah muka!apa2 pon besyukur sbb boleh sambong stadi kan..haha

ok ok aku dah lari topik jauh bebeno dah..sbenaqnya nk cerita kenduri kat umah puteri tu bes sangat..aku dgn nawal punya laa tahan perut tak makan dr pg sbb nk melantak kat umah puteri..bes oo ada lauk ayam golek..haha..atok mai lmbt,so pdn muka takdan mkn ayam dh melantak smpai habeh..haha..pastu aku asek mkn cupcakes yg nawal n puteri buat yg aku tak menyumbang tenaga langsung..hanya menyumbang mixer semata mata..haha..sorry ye,takdak keta nk p umah ang put oi!nawal dah jd traitor pd hari tersebut sbb tak pakai baju biru..adaka pakai wana oren..mmg out of tone langsung2..ciss!mmg meriahlaa kenduri tu sbb puteri karoke 3 lagu..haha..sdap weyh sora ang put!sampai hujan..haha..tu baru kenduri abg put..kalo knduri puteri si ketua parangers,aku tatau laa mcm mna meriahnya nnt..tmbh2 kalo kawen dgn org pelantaq minyak tu puteri oi...tobat meriah bakhang!hahaha

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

azam tahun baru 2010 versi blogspot kononnya nk post birthday wishes untuk semua kawan2 yg aku sayang dgn sepenuh jiwa dan raga akhirnya terkubur begitu sahaja..ada lucky 4 orang ja sempat merasa..bahaha..kesian!how pathetic i am.looser.bukan tak ingat tarikh,aku igt..awai sminggu lagi aku dok bila mai the exact date,aku jd lupa nk post kt blogspot plus all the constrain and slow internet connection,trus terkubur segala..haha.ok aku cuba lagi tahun hadapan ye!

Monday, June 7, 2010

move ur butt move ur butt

jyeah!what a tittle..such a pervert i am!wehoo..whatever..yeah!everybody arrives in alor star this weekend..n i love it sooo much when its full house..but i miss amir and amin more than i miss nana..haha..ok ok joke joke!no i miss all those 5 little cupid minus 3 not so little anymore..wey,balek aloq staq laa..tgu apa lagi!today,the 3 little musketeers came to my house and it was a disaster when the 2-year-old boy and his 5-year-old sister insisted to play with my nikon..n i was like hugging my 'baby' sooo tight that they cant even touch it!haha..n they were real mad and cried wanted to hold n play with my 'baby'..aiyoo..n the sister,balqis then went to my room and messing around with my sister's was all over her face with the mascara and all the things that i dont even know how to put on!n the baby,luckily she's just 4-months-old or else i'll probably be dead babysitting them..hoho