Friday, December 31, 2010
happy 2011
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
world today
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
padan muka!
Friday, November 26, 2010
just for SECONDS
untuk disedekahkan; tetapi betapa kecilnya kalau dibawa ke Mall untuk dibelanjakan!
Betapa lamanya melayani Allah selama lima belas minit namun
betapa singkatnya kalau kita melihat filem.
betapa sulitnya untuk mencari kata-kata ketika berdoa (spontan) namun
betapa mudahnya kalau mengata atau mengumpat
tanpa harus berfikir panjang-panjang.
Betapa asyiknya apabila pertandingan bola dipanjangkan waktunya namun
kita mengeluh ketika khutbah di masjid lebih lama sedikit daripada biasa.
Betapa sulitnya untuk membaca satu helai Al-qur'an tapi
betapa mudahnya membaca 100 halaman dari novel atau majalah yang laris.
Betapa beria-ia orang untuk duduk di depan dalam pertandingan atau konsert namun
lebih senang berada di saf paling belakang ketika berada di Masjid
Betapa mudahnya membuat 40 tahun dosa demi memuaskan nafsu berahi semata, namun
alangkah sulitnya ketika menahan nafsu selama 30 hari ketika berpuasa.
Betapa sulitnya untuk menyediakan waktu untuk solat 5 waktu; namun
betapa mudahnya menyesuaikan waktu dalam sekejap pada
saat terakhir untuk event yang menyenangkan.
Betapa sulitnya untuk mempelajari erti yang terkandung di dalam al qur'an; namun
betapa mudahnya untuk mengulang-ulangi gosip yang sama kepada orang lain.
Betapa mudahnya kita mempercayai apa yang dikatakan oleh surat khabar namun
betapa kita meragui apa yang dikatakan oleh Kitab Suci Al-Quran.
Betapa takutnya kita apabila dipanggil Boss dan cepat-cepat menghadapnya namun
betapa kita berani dan dgn lambatnya untuk menghadapNya saat kumandang azan bergema.
Betapa setiap orang ingin masuk syurga seandainya tidak perlu untuk percaya atau
berfikir,atau mengatakan apa-apa,atau berbuat apa-apa.
Betapa kita dapat menyebarkan seribu
kelucuan melalui e-mail, dan menyebarluaskannya dengan FORWARD seperti api; namun
kalau ada e-mail yang isinya tentang Allah betapa seringnya kita ragu-ragu, enggan membukanya dan menyebarkannya,
serta terus klik pada icon
Sebar luaskanlah & bersyukurlah
Apakah tidak lucu apabila anda tidak memFORWARD pesan ini. Betapa banyak
orang tidak akan menerima pesan ini, kerana anda tidak yakin bahawa mereka
masih percaya akan sesuatu?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
bad bad day
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
save mother earth
Sunday, November 14, 2010
saying goodbye is the sweetest thing in life!
Monday, November 8, 2010
it turns on u back!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
water no water
people carrying pails full of clean but not so pristine water has become a common sight here,in arau..beringin to be precise.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
dorky me
When im all alone and have plenty of time to think of anything,the feeling of total obnoxious of my own self strikes.i will look down on myself.inferiority complex strikes.i am totally not confident of my own self.i have a roomate who sings very very well and dance well u ever ask!i am tone deaf.i dont sing well and u’ll wish for a thunderstorm rather than listening me another thing i am very bad at.real bad i tell you!despite i cant sing,i dont play any musical instrument too.i cant barely strum a guitar or play the piano.what else with the wind instruments and everything.
Second is i always have issues with my hair.for as long as i lived,i sometimes dont like my hair.well not sometimes,you can consider it as ALWAYS.FYI,i constantly changed my hairstyle until i decided to stop when i enter university.i dont have those silky straight hair and trust me,my hair is a disaster.i always envy those with straight and silky hair that shines under the some point,i do think of chopping off my hair and be bald.
Talking of physical attraction,kick me out first baby because i am on top from the bottom of the list!i dont have those mesmerising eyes or perfectly cute nose.all i have is pimples all over my face.i wear specks since i am in primary school and u know how fugly i was that time.i am all jealous with my friends with the perfect body all ladies want in their life.i’ve never been skinny all my life.tell me i crazy or what but sometimes i do feel like never wanna go out of the room when inferiority is on the peak.
Ok shut the fuck up with the physical attraction thingy.lets talk about education.well im thankfull enough of my upbringing where education is being the most prior thing in life.but i am not a brainy one compared to my friends.and now i feel like im dragging myself to succeed in the field i am taking.i just occupy the basics one.not more than that.i dont get along well with numbers and figures and my brain cant accept too much facts.i dont perform well in my tests or exams.i dont master every just average in my studies and i WISH i do more beyond average.i want to be excellent.
Tell me in what aspect that i am unique?i dont think i am unique.i cant see my specialty.i cant stretch myself to be perfect,at least for myself to see that i am perfect.i cant get everything that i want like those filthy rich kids get.i dont have awesome gadgets or awesome clothes.i was nothing more than ordinary.i AM nothing more than ordinary.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
oh pms
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
just like a paper-back novel
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
i thank YOU!
If in the previous post i wish to be Lucy,now i wish i could be an android.yes an android with no heart feelings or hard feelings or what so ever kind of feelings.i hate to get mad at people that i care for because i just have to cursed inside.i cant let them out because the person that i am mad at is the person that i care for,the person that i love.i hate this kind of feeling.i am crying inside.if i knew this would happen,i would done everything on my own.and for you,thank you for pilling up my work.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
keep it low
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
see you soon
Back to the lame,tediuos,hectic,sweaty and not-so-rainbow place.Classes have just started for two days and i am already loaded with assignments and homeworks (these are actually my delayed works due to procrastication).I think im still diffused in the hari raya mood due to two-weeks holiday that suck out everything academic in me.there’s just no nothing.i cant even focus in class.all i know is to end up everything and go to bed..all that i waited everyday since i arrived here is to end the class for the day and climb up my bed and boom,shut my eyes and bubbye world!
Oh,for your information,i have tons of course work to be done to meet the sure there will be more sleepless nights after this until the final exam..frankly,im always excited when the exam is near..i always LOVE exams because there will be HOLIDAYS after exam..but ofcourse i’ll have to squeeze my brain out and work hard before meeting the HOLIDAYS!and thats the shit part..oh how i wish exams would be abolished!
Well,since im here,the internet reception of my broadband has been acting like a bitch..all my post are always end up in the draft and i dont know when i will post them all..blame CELCOM for this!hey,please upgrade your reception lah dear..i pay for this.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
i'll be the last one standing!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
i had a blast raya about you?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
happy birthday,MALAYSIA
Monday, August 30, 2010
movie maniac
Saturday, August 28, 2010
when theres no one there to dry your tears

she's finally gone..gone to pursue her dream of becoming an economist..the girl i knew since the age of 14,has finally flew to spread her thing i'll remember about her always is that she's a girl who dare to dream and dare to fulfill her dream..she's full of determination..she's one kind of a motivator to me..she's been with me through thick and thin,through rain and shine..and im not afraid to tell the world that i've spilled a gallon of tears on her shoulder..i know i always have her whenever i have problems..she's my advisor in buying new dvds..she has a great taste in music..we share a lot in common..i surely gonna miss her..even we are miles apart,but one thing she should know is that im never gonna forget about gonna miss everything about her..
Thursday, August 26, 2010
when evening shadow and the stars appear
i was nothing more than a girl who wish for something different
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
panas panas panasnya MENTARI!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
yellow miniskirt and stripy pantyhose?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
fight for our right!
As fragile as glass.yes thats what i feel right now.
I thought that i was,i was long as i am a woman,a girl,a lady,theres nothing i couldnt do to stop the tears from i realised that i gotta work hard for whatever i want..theres just no point of pointing fingers blaming others for what i couldnt reach one can be blamed except me..its me in the first place who didnt take any action to make myself ready for everything..
i have always have issues to fight with my inner self where half of it always say its fine and the other half saying the opposite ones..and most of the time,i am always in denial of every fact that i should do it the right way..and i got carried away with this kind of feelings until it caught me with bad sequences..and now,i gotta get back on track..dont doubt if i am not myself anymore.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
thank you sir
Thursday, August 12, 2010
wind force causes the sky rise building sway
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
fun fun FUN

today was quite a disastrous day for me..i ditched (again) csc class because i woke up late today!oh my..apa nk jd pon tatau laa..and it was just my body in ecg soul and my brain were absent..i cant even understand what she was babbling about in front..luckily i can cope with ecs sbb suka sir itu..haha..gatai!!oh,last nite,i had an awesome dinner with half of awesome lah..asyik gelak most of the time smpai org tgk pelik are some pics of last nite..enjoys ;D
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
hoi,apa nak jd ni nabilah??
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
bla bla bla AGAIN!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
gua kerbau
Sunday, July 11, 2010
arau oh!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
yes i CAN!
this is just the beginning..and all i need is time and strength..
time will change everything..and only time will..
with the he help of determination and effort,of course!
fingers-crossing for good luck and faith.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
my english language lecturer ;))
Friday, July 2, 2010
warkah buat parangers

Thursday, July 1, 2010
the power of time
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
TM oh TM
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
why oh why oh why
Friday, June 11, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
kenduri kendara ;)
kalau kat malaysia ne,mmg sangat sangat typical kalau cuti sekolah ja,mesti ada buat kenduri kawen..dan sekarang,musim cuti sekolah dah mula..mmg ramai budak2 skolah tgh rehat2 kan minda dan mak pak budak skolah pening kpala pikiaq kenduri abang2 dan kakak2 budak skolah..haha..ok ok apa aku merepek neh..
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
move ur butt move ur butt
jyeah!what a tittle..such a pervert i am!wehoo..whatever..yeah!everybody arrives in alor star this weekend..n i love it sooo much when its full house..but i miss amir and amin more than i miss nana..haha..ok ok joke joke!no i miss all those 5 little cupid minus 3 not so little anymore..wey,balek aloq staq laa..tgu apa lagi!today,the 3 little musketeers came to my house and it was a disaster when the 2-year-old boy and his 5-year-old sister insisted to play with my nikon..n i was like hugging my 'baby' sooo tight that they cant even touch it!haha..n they were real mad and cried wanted to hold n play with my 'baby'..aiyoo..n the sister,balqis then went to my room and messing around with my sister's was all over her face with the mascara and all the things that i dont even know how to put on!n the baby,luckily she's just 4-months-old or else i'll probably be dead babysitting them..hoho