Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy birthday to me!

it finally hits me that I am already 22 years old today!what have I achieved at the age of 22??none that benefits the society I supposed!dont worry, i'll work on that in time, insyaAllah :-D

So, alhamdulillah, praised to Allah that I am still alive and breathing now. Thank You for countless of blessings You've showered me with. Thanks for my parents,my family,my bestfriends,my friends,my life and the list goes on!! I could never thanked You enough for EVERYTHING!

and to my surprise, he remembers my birthday!in fact, he was one of the earliest among my friends who wished me last night!and that made my one whole day :-D or it could last for a week!!!hahaha

Footnote : growing older means getting closer to death. Be prepared, nabilah!

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