Monday, February 9, 2009

im a freak

this thing really freaks me out..
hahaa ;DD
thank GOD i passed my QTI..alhamdulillah
i didnt expect that im gonna pass this as i was struggling at the 'bukit'
seriously i was so shaking to my knee bila nk wat bukit..
mati 4 kali..gosh!
what the heck!
n now im seriously damn freaking out when i think of JPJ..
pray to ALLAH that everything's gonna be alright


  1. my God da hbeh qti, bestnya
    kita bru nk strt 8jam tdi. haha :)

  2. hah?mati 4x masa test ka latihan? :) hehe

  3. masa test syg..sumpah igt tak pas dh..
    alhamdulillah dia bg pass.

  4. great! :) ala patut la org kata bila nak test qti org akan kata "ala qti ja pun" hmm mgkin sbb tu kot :) btw,congratz.hey kalau x confident,why not tambah masa latihan? :)

  5. tu laa.nvm,i have another 2 hours of latihan b4 jpj..hopefully i can do well in jpj..tamau neves2 dah..hahaa
