Monday, January 31, 2011

a condolence from me to u

to my dearest friend shafiqah mohd. akhir..

i hope u'll be strong..i know its not easy for u to let go the person u loved the most..the person that has been with u since the day u were born..the person who has been the strongest pillar in ur life..the person who has been the one and only man figure in your life..the person who is practically everything to you,the very reason for ur existence in this world..

life and death is just inseparable..every beginning of life will eventually ends with death..i hope u'll be strong enduring this devastating circumstance..u know u always have us to turn on..u may have lost ur father,but always remember that u have ur own circle of friends that will always be with u through thick and thin..i know losing ur dearest father is like having a hole in ur heart..together we'll heal it with time..we love u..u can always count on strong okay,dear..he may not be with u ever again,but i know he'll always be close to ur heart..after all,u carry his name everywhere u strong okay!

al-fatihah to the late father of shafiqah.may peace be upon u.

Friday, January 28, 2011

hye its me-AGAIN!

if u noticed in my previous post, i've vowed to myself that i wont whine and complaint about what's happening in my life..but now,i draw back my vow..i cant stand doing reports reports and more reports..i've been spending almost all of my leisure time practically on doing reports..i cant even find a bit wee time for myself what else to study..the me-time for me now is just night sleep and cleaning up myself twice a day..makan pon sehari sekali je skrg tu pun kalau time 'oren' tak penuh..kalau kedai makan tu penuh,mmg aku balik mkn biskut ja..

i know it sounds exaggerating,but thats what im experiencing now..i mean, WE,part 4 DICE students are experiencing..tu tak kira lg jalan ulang alik ke lab yg jauhnya ya allah..kampus ni tak boleh nk besaq lg kan..bas pulak takdak..mmg lah seronok pon..ok fine,lets stop here and work my ass out on my REPORTS REPORTS REPORTS REPORTS REPORTS!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

get a room

tak payah nk meleleh sangat laa kt social network site..

sick of all those people who are so call 'deeply' in love n showing off their affection on fb!get a room lah kalo nk meleleh meleleh tangkap lentok skali pon..tak payah nk buat drama sebabak lah kt fb..

Sunday, January 23, 2011

im off to korea!

lepas tgk episod last boys over flower terus rasa tergedik gedik nk kawen!!haha..ok sgt aku nk kawen dgn lee min ho saja..takmau org lain pliss..*muka kau lah nk kawen dgn lee min ho..stakat tau saranghaeyo dgn kombawaa sja,kau tdo 5 hari straight pon tak tentu lg nk mimpi lee min ho*

now i know why the heck the girls are freaking minat cerita korea..sbb all the heroes are superb n wujud dalam fairytales anganan perempuan-perempuan malaysia..peratus commoners,especially malaysian kawen dgn hero korea amat2lah nipis nipis lg dr kulit bawang!kan?sapa setuju angguk sekarang!!

but seriously,lee min ho really does berjaya buat aku gedik-gedik n senyum tak henti2 walaupun tgk cerita tu ulang 10 kali pon..muahh utk lee min ho

ni muka mintak kiss 10 kali!haha

tolong byg itu aku 10 tahun akn dtg *tampaq muka 10 kali*

mcm nk gigit!!

i can count on you like 4 3 2

yesterday was quite an active day i would say..started my day at 6.30 am for subuh prayer and 7.30 am off we go for a jog..well,more to cam-whoring actually..haha..then i went to petanque workshop which ended around 11.30 am n continued with practical session at 3-6 pm..i dont know why i involved myself with petanque..i think i have some chemistry with 'hand' sports as i played 10 pin bowling as well..and shot put (lontar peluru) too when i was in school..petanque originates from france which means 'feet together'..this game is actually not known to many and i gotta know about this game last year but i didnt have time to play serious..but looking at current semester and how busy i am now,i think i gotta put off my growing passion for this sad..but who knows next time may be i can be in more deeper in this game..

well,here are some of the pictures taken during the cam-whoring session a.k.a jogging!enjoys

Friday, January 21, 2011

thank you,ALLAH

alhamdulillah td sempat meluangkan sedikit masa yg dipinjam tuhan untuk menjalankan solat maghrib berjemaah di surau kolej..aku di saf hadapan sekali bersebelahan kiri imam..masya-ALLAH,terasa kerdil berada di sebelahnya..bacaannya,subhanallah,munusuk hati..orangnya kecil molek,tp ilmunya setinggi everest..

dia baca doa smpai menangis-nangis..tiba-tiba rasa mcm diri ni tak penah cukup ilmu dan tiba-tiba aku rasa mcm ada satu 'rush' feeling yg selinap kt dalam diri ni..rasa mcm aku sehina-hina manusia..yg tak pernah cukup ilmu..yg dosa bertimbun-timbun..yg sekecil-kecil hama dan segala bagai yg negatif..terasa KEBESARAN ALLAH tu ada di mana-mana..

sebelum ni,aku rasa mcm amal ibadat aku dh cukup..kadang-kadang rasa bangga sbb segala yg wajib tu,alhamdullillah aku dapat tu pon tak berapa sempurna..dan dosa-dosa kecil tu ttp dilakukan setiap hari setiap saat tanpa sedar..contohnya mengumpat,which is typical for the girls yg sebenarnya aku cuba sedaya-upaya nk elakkan tp kadang2 lintasan hati tu ttp ada..juga kdg2 unsur menipu tu tetap terselit ketika bercerita tentang sesuatu untuk spiced up the story..astaghfirullah,mintak diampunkan!

td,lepas selesai solat maghrib,aku rasa mcm tersedar dr mimpi ja slama ni,aku syok sendiri perasan diri ni baik sgt..mungkin ni hikmahnya ALLAH buka jalan untuk sedarkan diri aku..ALHAMDULILLAH...semoga kita menjadi manusia yg lebih baik di masa hadapan,amin!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

picture blogging?

mari-mari penuhkan blog dgn gmbr..taktau kenapa skrg rasa mcm nk uplod gmbr jaa..dh mls nk type byk2 sbb nothing to babble,here are some of the pictures taken during material lab n hydraulics lab..

ni sieve shaker ye..guna utk sieving to obtain tanah yg plg halus.

ni time lab water..camwhore-ing!

kalot buat report.

lab material

main2 cement paste!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


i actually dont have anything to babble about..but i feel like hitting the keyboard and express something here..but i dont know what to write about..been browsing some of the blogs and i'm at ease seeing those blogs with,lets upload some photos here and let they speak out the words..

pose gedik with best-est friend in the world!

buruk gila muka time ni..tgklaaa nawal..muka mmg budak habisan

ni dh upgrade sikit pndai bersiap dah..hihi

malam raya malam gedik bersama!

ni time kerja cari pengalaman..habis kasaq tangan sbb dok potong besi..kuat oh kamii!!

ni mmg terbaik kalo nk sabotaj masa 15 tahun..5 tahun yg time flies..

zaman tuisyen parangers..yg duduk bwh tu konon nk buat traffic light!

rasanya,this is the only one gmbq aku alone with kakpah!hee

entah apa motif bergambar pgg pembaris kayu!hari last sekolah..

ni pose bajet kurus..padahal,haram..kamera trick semata-mata ok!

happiest moment when we were school i miss school ;((

tu je lah kot..nnt2 aku godek2 lagi album..kluarkan gmbq yg baek punyaaa!haha..toodles for now!XOXO

Monday, January 17, 2011

reporting live from C.E lab!

report report report report report report report report report report report report report report and more reports.

masa buat segala benda alah dlm lab tu best laa syok tak ingat dunia..
bila nk buat report,ha,nganga lah kau!discussion tu ada jaa yg nk kantoi taktau jawab..
dunia oh dunia..tak mengapa,sabar demi masa depan.

nasib baik semua report buat ikot group..kalo individual,mmg lg luas laa rahang aku ternganga sbb tatau nk jawab..ya sedikit lega disitu..

budak2 banking dkt rumah aku ni,asal hujung minggu je,rileks memanjang..mmg lay-back aku n 3 budak civil lain dh tak cukup tanah dh nk kampoi segala report utk 4 subjek every week..nk layan lee min ho pon dh tak menyempat!adoi..layan report je gamaknyaa utk sem ni..

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

happy birthday to me.

birthday boy n birthday girls 5 jan,3 jan n 6 jan

i had a blast 20th birthday celebration.
that is all i can say.even i was away from family and best friends,still,i have an awesome troop of university friends..they have made my day.i never had this kind of blast before..really do,yes i admit!they made me feel so much appreciated..they showered me with love..they are my euphoria..sungguh tak percaya sbb umur 20 baru org mcm notice birthday aku n make it as a real blast..thank you,guys..i love u to bits..

at 20,i have had everything in terms of my wants and needs..ALHAMDULILLAH,praised be to ALLAH..i have great parents,awesome best friends,great close friends,kinda good grades,great life,just money that seems never enough and its just the boyfriend part that seems unreachable..but who cares as long i get what i want..haha..

i am not getting older,it is just a part of life cycle that needs me to be mature.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

a fresh new start.

what a nice way to start my new semester here,in arau..i woke up as early as 6.30 am just to know that the bathroom is fully occupied..*whattheheck* my class started at 8 am and i gotta to wait for half an hour for my turn to shower..but the very second i stepped out of my room,my housemate shouted that theres a frog in the bathroom *anotherwhattheEFF* frog has been my biggest fear ever feet started to tremble and i was all shivered..adrenaline rushed!i hopped on the chair!!i just cant cope anything related to frog!!it took me about 15 minutes to calm down and to come back to my senses..luckily my roomate help to get rid of the frog.god bless u dear FATIN DIANA!!with all the screams and dramas,voilaaa..its already 7.20 am,screw me!i gotta to move my butt at 7.45 as the class is quite far from my no surprise,i decided not to shower!!ha ha ha please laugh ur lungs out,i dont care..time is one issue,the phobia of entering the bathroom with the thought of there might be another frog hidden anywhere in the bathroom is another bloody reason why i skipped shower on the first day of semester 4!call me lame or coward or whatever u wish,but to deal with something u fear all your life is just unbelievable and unbearable..well,there goes the first day of my new semester with a 'fresh' new start!teheee -.-*

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

hey,i never said that!

i can see that this semester is gonna be a real hectic one.
though it is just 17 cdt hour,but hell yeah i have 4 labs to attend.
labs mean i have reports to do every for every single experiment i do.
lets see..i have 4 labs to attend every week - water,building services,geotechnic,and material.
each labs have 16 experiments to handle.
we are going to run 3 experiments for each lab every week..
3 experiments,4 labs..
now lets do the math!
3 x 4 is equal to 12 right??yeap,thats how many lab reports that need to be done in just a week time for this whole semester..
a great way to spend my leisure time right?!

err,i vow to myself that i wont whine and complain abt my study anymore..this is not whining,this is just a way to express how i feel now!*in denial*

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


out of nine subjects i HAVE to take for this semester,BUILDING SERVICES seems quite interesting..well at least,the introduction!i dont know how about the rest of the syllabus,i hope it does interesting as its intro..

and about the other engineering subject,STRUCTURE n MATERIAL LAB is another quite interesting subject as i gotta learn how to bancuh simen and more book-orientated learning!its happening in reality now..

oh,another subject,water quality and treatment is a 'yucky-yuck-yuck' subject where i have to collect water samples from sewer!euww thats gross!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


i know it is such a loser to keep on complaining about what had happened,what is happening and what will happen in life..but i keep on doing the same thing..that is how pathetic i am..

4 days until i turn praying hard that i will think like one,and act my age too.
there's no list of birthday present.not that i dont want any,but same as it goes to my resolutions,none of them can ever be fulfilled.

it is just the thought that counts.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


i woke up at 1.09 pm on the first day of 2011.
what a great way to start a new year aite??