Saturday, March 19, 2011

dont you DARE say im okay while im not.
dont you ever have the guts to say im good while im doom.

you dont know me at all.THAT is what YOU should know about yourself on the first place.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

weekends MADness

this is how i spend my every,this is how,we, the part 4 civil engineering students of uitm arau spend our weekend 'happily' and 'joyously'



27/3: test2: ECM 216

2/4: test2:ECW201(lab)

3/4: test2:ECG213

8/4: test2: ECS(lab)

10/4: test3:MAT285

15/4:test2: ECS228

nah kau!puas hati??tu pon ada lg 2 lab yg belum declare bila tarikhnya..lab ecm and lab ecg..oh gosh,im going INSANE.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

wild thoughts

alright peeps, im gonna spill everything my mind right here right dont bother if it gets twisted in the end with anything not related at all in between paragraphs.he he ;D

first and foremost-JAPAN.
it has been a widespread about the news Japan has been hit by 8.9 scalar richter earthquake,and as the consequences,tsunami hits some of the northern parts of prayer is always with them..i've been thinking deeply that no matter how great and state-of-the-art the buildings and inventions are,theres just no way to escape what Allah has promised..Japan is the leading country with the invention of technologies,gadgets and everything-forward,still,it cant avoid the disaster from happening..thats where we can see how powerful ALLAH the almighty is.So,be grateful of where we are,what we have,how we have lived, and count our blessings and please stop whining.

they said being a uni student is the most awesome-est period of life.i can tell thats a plain lie.yes its a nature of a student having not to do anything else but to study.but if u r stuffed with 12 lab reports every single week and tests on every weekend,will u call that a heaven on earth??that doesnt include the tutorials and assignments and other outdoor project.fine fine coping with this and hope i'll ace with victory!swallow all for once,gotta work my ass off for the final.

shuh,shut it off with the academic things,lets ditch them all for now!and hey,did i tell you that korean dramas are soooo in now??teheee,i think it is just me who is far away left behind with this syndrome.ngehehee,screw my friends for introducing me with this kind of still hoping for the best for my academic performance despite on how i've been wasting my time with 3 20- episodes-korean-dramas in a row,a little bit of studying,and korean drama again..i think that balanced up my hectic and stressful study life..

and i think it kinda sucks to be as i am always left behind whenever there are family a family-man..and its a real sucks when i am the only one who is not there when all of my cousins and uncles and aunties and nieces and nephews are there..and what sucks the most is that they are going to BANDUNG without me!hoi,i hate being left out here with books and reports.

me and my inner self is always having thoughts,my heart and my mind sometimes doesnt rhyme but we are doing good.well thats pretty much of what are things going on in my mind..till then,may peace be upon you!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


click here

aku bg link sudah.tak sanggup nk semakkan blog aku dgn kerja bodoh a bunch of hatred uneducated haters.

sapa tak kenal anwar hadi??he is such a not posting this because im a die hard fan of this namja(guy) but watching that video,it rekindles how 'sick' and lame those haters are..their act clearly shows how narrow and uneducated they are..well at least,anwar hadi has something educational and beneficial to share with and he doesnt even hide his face like those cupid did.

mcm ni laa melayu,dengki tu ada jaa kt mana mana..apa masalah hampa kalau si anuar hadi ni nk buat youtube channel dia sendiri??kau mampu ckp English mcm dia??ada??at least he spreads good things around and not replacing people's name with something bullshit like you guys did.and addressing people as 'babi' clearly shows that you guys hold a below-par mentality.oh come on guys,theres so many other things you can do rather than doing this stupid things.

i will make a miracle happen for you.

auwhh,can't you be any sweeter than this?

im soooo much deeply into koreans now.i even listen to their songs.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

call me NABILAH!

last time it was che nab.,and then it became nab..and now,kak nab??

oh hello,my name spells like this:


read my lips, N-A-B-I-L-A-H.

i dont know how my name can be as short as nab..somehow,i kinda dislike people to call me with that name..i dont mind if my good friends/best friends to call me that (but i'd prefer if they ever can call me NABILAH)..but when my aunties n cousins started calling me nab,ughh,it is SICK u know.SICK!

i'll be the happiest person ever exist on earth if u ever to call me NABILAH..because thats what my name is..and it has meaning too..that is why my parents name me as NABILAH on the first place.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

cepat laaa cepat laa

im coming home im coming home.tell the world that im coming home!

whoohooooooo!after almost 5 weeks of 'hell' i finally gotta go back to my crib and be with families..well,im kinda a family girl i would say..i love to laze around my crib and being showered with overflow love seems to make me kinda a spoilt girl..but not to worry,am not a spoiled brat and never will be one.

i miss my bestfriend..i miss to share everything with her..i really miss you!

and i cant wait to meet those two little fellas..wait for maksu this coming weekend! more books for 3 days!yeay for that.

Friday, March 4, 2011



im all built up with it now.even my head keeps on spinning.told you i was kicked out from college for nex sem which means i have to be a non-resident next sem..i think i should be glad for is soooo freaking true that everything happens for reasons..

last night i had another stupid role-call..first half n hour was bacaan yaasin..and the other one and a half hour were filled with stupid and lousy things they keep on reminding us again and again..the role-call ended nearly at 1 am.yes crazy right?

and the most unreasonable new rule is we cannot be at friend's room after 11 pm..that is soooo f***ingly unreasonable..nak buat assignments and lab reports pon tak boleh??shitty lah oii!

another F for the RS..adios amigos beringin!

err..did i mention that i have tests on almost every weekend??sick right??civil engineering is soo freaking tough!FIGHTING!