Thursday, April 2, 2009

TAGGED by oh nuss! n nali :D

1.Apakah hubungan awak dan dia?

nali:kawan.ex-jorakasturi mate..haha
nas:rakan blogger yg tapenah jmpk..hee..nnt kita jumpak ye ;D

2.5 impressions terhadap dia?
nali:ok laa mamat ne
nas:tapenah tgk live time 1st time tgk gmbq dia kt fs,cantik laa minah ne.maneh muka dia.

3.Perkara paling memorable yang dilakukan kat awak?
nali:bg link borang online politeknik..haha.tnx nali ;p
nas:apa ya?tapenah chat lg neh ngn dia..

4.perkara paling memorable yang dia kata pada awak?
nali:apa wey nali?ang kta pa ar kt aku?
nas:tapenah ckp lg dow ngn dia..hahah

5. Kalau dia kekasih awak.. awak akan...? akan sengeh ja kot.hahahaaa
nas:oh tak mungkin!sy stret

6. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak.. awak akan..?
nali:takyah ckp laa ngn dia..biaq kt dia
nas:musuh?tak baek musuh2 neh..haha

7. Kalau dia kekasih awak.. dia perlu improve dlm
nali:toksah duk wat lwk sgt naa..
nas:hee..tatau laa ;D

8. Kalau dia musuh awak.. mungkin kerana
depa jeles kt aku kot..kahkahkah

9. overall impression ttg dia
nali:mamat neh baek ne..tak ksah je..
nas:ok laa nas ni even we never had a chat..hah

0.The most desirable thing to do to her /him
nali:i'd like to treat him a lunch..hahahaa..sbb dia baek
nas:i think we shall meet one fine day..haha

11. Apakah awak rasa tentang pandangan org terhadap awk?
oh my dear.we cant change people's thought..say what u wanna say about me..i dont give a damn.

12. the character of you for yourself?
me?saya suka bebai.

13. On contrary, the character you hate about you
i'd be glad if i can change my 'bebai'-ness attitide.haha

14. The most ideal person you want to be with?
i wanna be with MARIO LOPEZ if possible..minus his age by 15 years.n it wud be perfectly perfect..hahah

15. For people who like you, tell sumthing about them.
tell something about them?be real..howcome i'd know who likes me?

16. Ten people you tag:
4.ahmad nazri

17. no 2 ade hubungan dgn sape?
hee..sape ada ms dia sure tau pnya.

18. is no 3 male or female?
female for sure.

19. if no 5 and no 7 ade relationship?is that a good thing?
its not wrong to have many friends..

20.Macam mane dgn no5 dan no 8 pula?
i think they know each other

21. no 4 single kah?
hoho..i dunno much about this guy..hes just a blogger friend of mine.

22. no 1 belajar apa?
shes off school ;D

23. say sumtin about no 6

hatin baek..muka dia maneh.n shes so nice junior of mine.

24. no 9 kelakar tak?
nqb ar?hes kinda lawak..lawak laa jugak kdg2 tu..

*cpt2 laa sapa yg kene tagged tuh..naqib!better ko buat!

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