Monday, December 27, 2010

world today

sesungguhnya education is the root of everything.
rupa cantik macam mana pon,tp kalau akal tu letak di lutut...haih,pndai2 laa smbung ayat aku ni..
sedih pulak aku tgk remaja zaman sekrang yang asyik nk hidup glamorous and luxurious..yang dah tak kenal dosa pahala..
serius aku ckp aku sedih bila dok browse facebook and when i look at those pictures,i feel sad..i feel sorry for them..i cant imagine how would they be when they grow up..when they get married,their kids will surely be like them as their own product and labeling..dunia akan penuh with people like them..

i thank ALLAH for my proper upbringing and environment..
i thank ALLAH for blessing me with brain that i can decide which is wrong which is right..
i thank ALLAH for equipping me with parents that have make me who i am today..

aku rasa bersyukur sangat sbb walaupon aku takda rupa cantik menawan,tp aku ada ilmu..walaupun ilmu tak penuh di dada,but at least,aku masih boleh fikir and distinguish antara yang hak dan batil..susah rasanya jd orang cantik ni..ramai yg 'dumb-blonde' kt luar sana tu,yg bimbo and everything..muka cantik tp akal kelas tiga..susah kalau mcm tu..sbb tak ada ilmu dan tak berkeinginan nk tuntut ilmu,sbb tu laa end up like this-bimbo!no offense..dan mula laa jd tak tentu hala with random sex and nine months later-baby dumping!cuba kalau ada ilmu sikit,iman sikit..kan benda2 mcm ni tak jadi..bukan tak boleh elak,kita yg tak mau nk elak..semuanyaa jahil..ish nauzubillah..

i may not be pious or perfect..but at least i know how to carry myself and i still can think straight though i sometimes may be in my own state of insanity..i know my limits and i know where i stand..

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